Ya sask watch would be a money maker I’m sure.even if was just a Canadian brand I’m on the west coast and there’s Saskwatch statues all over the place at parks and shit. Hmmm I don’t have no start up capital tho so I guess someone else will have to do it. Personally I don’t think they exist but there’s no reason that they couldn’t have existed. Like you say there’s a lot of unexplored dirt out there so I guess they could exist tho. Maybe I’ll go undecided then. See us morons ain’t too bad EH! Later dude
The forest is a freaky place, man. Some of the sounds I hear at night, when I'm 100km into the bush are downright disturbing.
Ya I knew I had it spelled wrong but spellcheck didn’t auto correct it ,I figured you knew what I meant so good enough. Just look out for them grizzlies. I was working in whistler a few years ago and had some ausies working for me. Fucking black bear starts walking across the site and the fuckers ran towards it lol. They were so enamoured with seeing a “real” bear and getting some pics I guess they only got koalas or some shit. Anyway I’m pretty sure it was fairly harmless cuz everything is chill in whis but I ain’t going near the fucking bears.
In the Rockies, I once had to rescue an entire family with my utility cart, on the way to work.
They were taking pictures of their children playing with bear cubs.
There's a Rocky Mountain newspaper, or there was, called the Mountain Ear. They had a section for stories about retarded Americans interacting with actual nature.
(post is archived)