We each have to take a great deal of individual responsibility for our own decisions and lives, but also we must start to understand how we are also all (family, community, country and world) connected together in some form or another. And a chain is as strong as its weakest link.
We each have to take a great deal of individual responsibility for our own decisions and lives, but also we must start to understand how we are also all (family, community, country and world) connected together in some form or another. And a chain is as strong as its weakest link.
I'm just havin' fun tbh. I came to get down.
I'm just havin' fun tbh.
I came to get down.
don't apologize.
don't make the mistake that boomer is a generalization for an entire gen, either.
it's like saying nigger, except its the niggers of that time.
just like niggers...true boomers cannot stand hearing the word.
don't apologize.
don't make the mistake that boomer is a generalization for an entire gen, either.
it's like saying nigger, except its the niggers of that time.
just like niggers...true boomers cannot stand hearing the word.
(post is archived)