On the other hand, picky nagging is characteristic of certain small number of people, which think that they are chosen to be better than others.
Oh, some leftard lurker will see poalers as ignorant... omg, I'm literally shaking, can't even..... Like they need facts to attack poalers or any other person which don't knee to his cult. So, why you are here in meme sub. ? To give lessons to others? To show your moral superiority? I see this before. Another sign that you don't belong here. bye
So you're actually defending yourself for posting fake shit? I was trying to be polite. You are a fucking faggot kike for posting fake shit and you shouldn't be allowed to live amongst civilized people. You are a kike plain and simple. Posting fake news is what kikes do. You are the problem and you must be removed.
Calm down dude. This is humor. No one say that this is truth... This is not MSM site where they claim that they are truthful. Just funny post. Sense of humor is sign of intelligence; stupid simpletons don't have too much sense of humor. Also, humor is one of signs of civilization, intelligence. You will not see humoristic magazines in Africa or in muslim countries. Sense for humor, parody, irony need capability of abstract thinking.
On Poal are more serious subs, where such "fake" stuff isn't welcome.
This is my last try to be polite with you. If you can't grasp this, you are just low tier underhuman, nothing better than illiterate nigger. btw. You check all boxes, including calling someone kike.
In whites, it's called Aspergers. It's a mental retardation of the section of the brain that can understand this humor.
In the middle east (jews/arabs) it's called normal / typical .
This is fifth generation warfare and you are actively giving ammunition to the forces that want the White race eradicated. An opposition lurker isn't a normie leftard anymore, it's an intelligence analyst that collaborates with the private industry to censor anyone that isn't anti-White. They do this by fear mongering about disinformation. Fucking hell dude, are all you kikes retarded children that need this shit explained to you?
I'm not trying to be mean...but are you retarded Harrison_Bergeron2?
You overreact to some frivolous, funny picture. This is probably false. Say probably because, many, many times leftards make me speechless with his stupidities. Couple years when first time see article how science is rasiiiiist I don't believe that this is true. Even think that this is stupid joke which don't have any sense. No way that someone actually say this. Now look where we are. List of 'raciiiist" things are longer and longer. Air conditioners are raciststic - misogynist, gas stations are mysoginyst, diet are raciiistic, math are raciiiistic etc. etc. "Conspiracy theories" have living span of couple weeks, months before become truth. So, this article even if not are real are very, very possible. So, what is wrong if people have some fun? Again, leftards don't need facts to attack Poal or people which don't knee to his agenda. If they can't find something, they will fabricate, misrepresent, lie. I don't give a fuck what some leftard say. Do you ever talk, discuss with leftard or lefty normie?
That is a long winded way of saying yes.
Cool story bro
(post is archived)