So less Jews = more national pride? Who knew?
the jew cries out in pain as he stikes me whilst im eating a bacon sandwich fixing to light my pipe off the flame of his immolated kinfolk.
the only place for jews is in the cracks between cultures does it surprise anyone that this sort of shit happens everywhere? i mean the only place they dont live in the cracks is israel and there they will sterilize blacks that claim to be jews, like seriously all it takes to make an anti-jew is an honest history of palestine. also notice i used anti-jew, since the definition of a semite is someone with ethnic origins in the middle east, using antisemite it would imply the jews have a right to rule all of the middle east
The endless circle of jews jewing themselves.
no, you're not allowed to have a country of your own.
every other race can, but you have to share yours because it works.
Too bad that's a parody account.
Almost had me fooled.
That account?
Yes the actual newspaper's account is @Jerusalem_Post(
lol Just noticed their description mentions theonion.
Thanks for the tip. Moved to Satire, even though these kikes pushed the truth as Satire/Sarcasm.
Poland's lack of jewish influence
Then explain the law against holocaust denial.
Seems like there could be some people there still from the grabbler era.
I just went to their Twitter and the onion link isn't there. It just has their website (which it won't let me post because the domain is banned here). I didn't look around for too long but it doesn't seem like a parody site
(which it won't let me post because the domain is banned here)
Jerusalem_Post != Jerusalem_Postal
Jerusalem_Postal is a satire account owned by TheOnion
Ah gotcha
Not sure if you're trolling, lost or have browser issues.
Twitter profile with the onion link. *edit - links on twitter use twitter as a shortener/proxy/tracker. It's banned for a reason.
The onion's front page.
Let me delete my account, faggot.
User preferences in the right sidebar.
Bye Moshe
I tried, it kept telling me to type yes when I already had. Fix your gay site, shitdick
hurr durr
lol many countries are also like this? Hungary?
But wait, why is this satire?
(post is archived)