This is hilarious and I hope that moron who hates America actually does get locked up for 9 years of hard labor. That will end his basketball career too.
I bet nothing makes you want some Chronic like getting sentenced to 9 years without any Chronic.
I love how the Russian guard is smirking too.
Get some, you fucking commie.
That's literally a man.
Why is there no information about Russia putting him in a male prison?
That has got to make for some top Kek headlines.
someone posted a topless pic of it either here or on talk and not only is it most definitely a man that has never in its life had tits, its a fucking runt of a man thats never lifted anything heavier than the pillow its biting in its life.
I know its satire, but I bet she/He will hear it before the year is out.
I'm sure vlad will be singing it from behind.
And probably still kneel
Someone give that 'Ivan' guy a callup and post him this, maybe they will start pumping it into her cell at low volume 24/7 and start fucking around with the lighting
(post is archived)