That's pretty fuckin' funny.
Babylonbee is the news
actually, more accurate
Wait until they get to the Master/Slave branch.
already going the route of male/female connectors.
Can you imagine what its like inside a person's mind who actually feels, as they claim, offended and hurt, perhaps even pain... simply by reading some CompSci intro text that's got the words Master & Slave within them????
Microsoft actually updated some of their shit, from what I remember, to remove the "Master/Slave" terminology, for that exact reason. I think they use "Parent/Child" or something like that, now. Completely broke backward-compatibility. They didn't care.
Nah I think it was preist/child
In someways the smallest unit that a computer actually works with (at least in software) is a byte. 256 Genders confirmed!
Even when you have a bool type it's really just an unsigned byte, and memory and registers can't be accessed at the boolean level either.
What about the bit? 8 of which make up a byte.
In software you don't have direct access to that bit. Yes, in hardware the computers are working with bits at the smallest level, but in software we are touching bytes at least even when we think we are touching bits. Yes, bit twiddling is a thing, but in that case you are manipulating bytes at minimum, or more likely a register quite a bit bigger than a byte.
On a Silicon Labs EFM8 microcontroller, bytes in the first bank of RAM are bit addressable without much fuckery at all. Can't just use bool on them, though... have to typedef it in.
Actually most, if not all, 8051-based micros have it.
reeeeeeee! My programming isn't non binary and neither is my computer. I've been betrayed!!! Reeeeeee! I need my unfit, mentally challenged pug dog anxiety animal now!!!!
breaks down crying and collapses out of her computer desk chair while having a seizure
- the modern liberal
The pronouns on this post are gay and gayer.
It's also 100% logical, you cannot weasel your way around bugs, AI is racist and the field is dominated by white males (TM).
*slow-clap *
Well played, sir.
Brutto Chalets new inclusive and diverse book Unbinding Binary looks into the oppressive and toxic white straight male world of binary coding and seeks to unbind the racism that may or may never existed.
Code is binary
No. The first half of the joke is better than the whole joke. The real punch line is "learn to code".
Ooohhhhh that's the punchline
The joke;
Laid off Journalist trying to learn to code.
IS THE ENTIRE JOKE. The rest of it is retarded, awful and wrong. People don't code in binary. There are in most cases at least 2 levels of abstraction before binary is hit.
Ooooooooooh now I get it.
I just needed you to spell it out for me.
Context clues aren't my strong suit. It being the internet and all.
(post is archived)