Rittenhouse to train national guard troops in marksmanship and target selection
Rittenhouse to train national guard troops in marksmanship and target selection
It's rare when I literally laugh out loud from reading something, but the Babylon Bee has been making me do that almost daily. Their writing team/comedians are amazing.
It's rare when I literally laugh out loud from reading something, but the Babylon Bee has been making me do that almost daily. Their writing team/comedians are amazing.
Have you sewn the baby critique?
Have you sewn the baby critique?
OUTSTANDING!!! Sums up the whole kangaroo court on this big nothing burger on self defense. How can something so simple be turned into a zoo of idiots.
Sums up the whole kangaroo court on this big nothing burger on self defense. How can something so simple be turned into a zoo of idiots.
You have the right to face your accusers.
You have the right to face your accusers.
Another A+ from the Bee. Love the picture too.
Another A+ from the Bee. Love the picture too.
That one I laughed at.
That one I laughed at.
Rittenhouse get's nominated for nra president and goa president.
Rittenhouse get's nominated for nra president and goa president.
Those guys deliver better than the Onion ever did.
Those guys deliver better than the Onion ever did.
I have tears in my eyes over this comment.
I gotta stop cutting onions when I read.
I have tears in my eyes over this comment.
I gotta stop cutting onions when I read.
(post is archived)