Hey, notice how there are ZERO jew-controlled socialist/communist countries on that list? Dumb fuck
admit that only countries in name only agree with you, now go ask anyone in any other country which system they prefer. IIRC only Farage agrees with you.
notice how I said slowly going bankrupt?
so, no real proof then? just some shit you made up
US citizens will be the ones...
Why do Americans die earlier than Europeans? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/may/04/why-do-americans-die-earlier-than-europeans
I GUARANTEE I have paid less into the medical system than any Brit the same age as me
U.S. spends $2.7 trillion a year, nearly 18 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), on health care 2020, healthcare expenditure in the UK amounted to 12.8 percent of the GDP
so, nope
lets look at global GDP
only Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands spend more than Americans on health care
Overpriced shitfest?
as you didn't bother to read my first link, here's some more
https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2020/jan/us-health-care-global-perspective-2019 https://www.today.com/tmrw/why-healthcare-so-expensive-united-states-t192119 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/13/upshot/united-states-health-care-resembles-rest-of-world.html https://www.nbcnews.com/healthmain/what-makes-u-s-health-care-so-overpriced-its-not-2d11582695
There are are million more like that, looks like nobody on the internet agrees with you
you done yet? because you'll note I can back all my points up with stats and all you can do is look at that fucktard AOU's dumb badge
U.S. spends $2.7 trillion a year, nearly 18 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), on health care 2020, healthcare expenditure in the UK amounted to 12.8 percent of the GDP
Strawman. I said I guarantee that I have paid less into the healthcare system than any Brit my age. By tens of thousands, maybe hundreds
now go ask anyone in any other country which system they prefer. IIRC only Farage agrees with you.
I personally know LOTS of Canadians who hate their healthcare system. You legitimately think that socialized medicine isn’t a partisan issue? The problem is that it’s far more common for idiots to be brainwashed into thinking free stuff is good than it is for people to realize that what might be nicest for them in this moment, in this generation, may not be what’s best for the future and longevity of their nation as a whole
because you'll note I can back all my points up with stats
Congrats, literally EVERY source you shared is owned by jew organizations. And you’re trying to convince me that jews tricked ME. Lmao.
Strawman. I said I guarantee that I have paid less into the healthcare system than any Brit my age. By tens of thousands, maybe hundreds
Yes I noticed how you worded it, because you are deflecting, nobody is talking about what you as an individual pay, we are talking about your jew system.
I personally know LOTS of Canadians who hate their healthcare system
Again, what you personally know doesn't matter, I'm sure I can find someone who believes in a flat earth, doesn't make it relevant or true
it’s far more common for idiots to be brainwashed into thinking free stuff is good than it is for people to realize that what might be nicest for them in this moment, in this generation, may not be what’s best for the future and longevity of their nation as a whole
This is true, I'm not sure quite how well it would work with so many niggers dragging you down, but it does seem that it works in principle. Possibly because the State can negotiate drug pricing and doctors wages etc, so there is no incentive to charge $20,000 for an aspirin and a MRI
because you are deflecting, nobody is talking about what you as an individual pay, we are talking about your jew system
You said nobody wants this system. I want this system, because I have likely saved the cost of an entire house over the course of my adult life. As has anyone who has the intelligence and foresight to be responsible and take care of their personal health
Again, what you personally know doesn't matter, I'm sure I can find someone who believes in a flat earth, doesn't make it relevant or true
You literally said “no one except farage” in other countries is in favor of privatized medicine. Do you mean no politicians except farage? Because who gives a fuck what jew-owned politicians want?
And I’m assuming you started replying before I added this part in (either that or you deliberately ignored it) so I’ll say it again:
because you'll note I can back all my points up with stats
Congrats, literally EVERY source you shared is owned by jew organizations. And you’re trying to convince me that jews tricked ME. Lmao.
“Hey, seriously! The ADL agrees with me!” I also have an article for you from the NAACP that proves incontrovertibly that your country needs more niggers.
Dumb as fuck
(post is archived)