lol That entire reply alone shows the exact opposite.
I disagree with you on your laxity regarding kikes controlling humor and using it to attack left and right.
You don't have to write a novel because of that.
Apparently writing has gone the same way. Sigh Not your fault really. For the sake of brevity, I'll just blame the schools.
We have to take back control of education, media, politics... and undo the programing of our youth.
As a society and as a race, we have allowed the proper template to be stolen and replaced by those who would do us harm for their own good.
I have been blessed to have a family that avoided this for the most part. I fear that a great catharsis is imminent. Like unto the American Civil War, or WW2. History glosses over the periods leading up to such tumult, but if you look, in every case there is plenty of warning. Before the Civil War, there was a period of "Civil Cold War" that lasted about thirty years, an entire generation, before the shots at Ft. Sumter.
And the cornerstone of the foundation for WW2 was laid on October 11, 1918, twenty-one years, again, about a generation, before Germany and the USSR carved up Poland and started WW2.
What is coming has all happened before. It will all happen again.
"We defy augury. There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, ’tis not to come. If it be not to come, it will be now. If it be not now, yet it will come. The readiness is all.” - Hamlet, final act.
(post is archived)