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[–] 4 pts

Also they'll go back to paying workers with salt

[–] 5 pts

Salt is more valuable than fiat currency.

[–] 4 pts

It may be difficult to get Tesco to accept salarium in place of fiat, tho.

[–] 3 pts

Har! Har!

The Sun never set on Ye Olde British Empire!

[–] 0 pt (edited )

England is often cucked, but...

Imperial is based on human-centric measurements, and it's designed around relatable fractions and multiples


First, its temperature scale is far too imprecise and decimal points needed for weather. Most humans can feel and discern a single degree of Fahrenheit. Retarded Metric temperatures are less nuanced.

Metric temperatures are so fucked up that 100 degrees CELSIUS for over 100 years, was FROZEN water and 0 degrees CELSIUS was boiling! Metric was prevented in USA because that inverted scale of mental retardation.

Its so shameful to retarded metric fuckheads that they never like talking about the inverted direction for temperature , defying thermodynamics and reason : https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/why-was-celsius-scale-initially-inverted-0-degrees-371052

They NEVER fixed it, the metric morons just used the word "CENTIGRADE" instead of "CELSIUS" for well over 100 years to prevent confusion in science, or science used "KELVIN"

METRIC was horribly fucked for chemistry and science until the 1950s when CENTIGRADE was renamed CELSIUS and retarded Celsius ABANDONED AND SHOAHED AS A HISTORICAL FIASCO

Its worse though, the damage caused by metric temperatures affects biology and medicine to this day!

No matter how many times you repeat the experiment, the AVERAGE TEMPERATURE is 98.8 Fahrenheit for hundreds of years, but FUCKHEAD METRIC RETARDS converted it to imprecise METRIC shit temperature, then got converted back to Fahrenheit again later losing precision!

Human average temp was NEVER 98.6F

Bwah hah hah hah hah! This page LIES and claims a centigrade thermometer was used for 98.8 original studies :


But even back then people avoided retarded celsius and almost no celsius thermometers existed in the 1800s. Centigrade did exist in europe though, but less precise than american chemistry thermometers.

MASS? how about metric mass?

Once again, far too imprecise. A Kilogram is too heavy for daily food measurements and is a RETARDED overly large unit vs the imperial pound weight.

For thousands of years, yes thousands, civilizations around the world came to a eerie multiple of wheat seeds totaling a bit over 11.6 grams then multiples of that bronze silver gold small weight. PRECISION mattered especially in long distance trade. A kilogram weight would be laughed at as a basic mass unit for being over twice as large as a man can memorize by feel of heft. silver coins were useful for weight but often tampered.

LENGTH? too small for a kilometer!

A mile is 1,000 military male paces in a normal march. MILE = MIL

It varies by height of man, but the pendulum energy conservation of human gait is so precise from evolution, on a flat plain, that 1,000 paces back and forth in transit will measure the same!!!!!!!!!!! A 150 pound man burns the same calories WALKING as sitting in a CHAIR fully alert. The same calories, known from modern gas measurements of tightly strapped on face mask and measuring every single carbon dioxide molecule expelled. The human at 150 pounds burns the same calories as sitting as walking because other than the first step, all subsequent steps are merely catching yourself from falling using pendulum motion of your leg. Just staying alive and feeding your brain uses up most of your resting energy.

Sit, playing with animals (or child), light = 176 kCalories per hour, for 155 lbs man
Walking 2.0 mph, slow = 176 kCalories per hour, for 155 lbs man

one source: https://www.uky.edu/hr/wellness/exercise-calories-burned-hour

This amazing fact about human bipedal magical no-calorie walking has been restudied to death, so much so that they measured every atom expelled in one experiment.

The marvel of walking. THAT IS WHY THE ROMANS TRUSTED pacing walk for distance measurements.


LIQUID? No quibbles, but its related to kilogram and should have been based on thousands of years of wine trade units


The (((socialist))) metric fuckheads tried to get rid of the astronomical unit of 24 hour day!!!!!!! They wanted metric time!!!! Instead of multiples of 2 and 3 (babylonian math) they wanted clock dial all base 10 divisions!

INSANITY !!! Metric TIME???

DECI-DAYS instead of hours! :


That died out, as did Celsius totally dying out with water boiling at 0 Celcius shit.

So metric is a proven lie of shit. Communists fell for it. Its too imprecise for temperature measurements and caused trouble many times in history until it got less retarded in the 1950s.


Also... the British empire used to be astoundingly vast : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Empire

[–] 0 pt

Yer impressive treatise has warmed me heart!

Every inch well researched and reasoned!


[–] 0 pt


A lot of non-americans do not know that metric temperature (Celsius) was abandoned completely (water froze at 100, boiled at 0), in the 1950s, and CENTIGRADE stolen and renamed Celsius. It is a shoahed fact.

A lot of non-americans do not know that metric time (deci-hours) was abandoned completely in the late 1700s. It is a shoahed fact of the metric system.

The metric system is shitty for human based perceptions of temperature, trade mass , and distance.

[–] 0 pt

Your passionate hatred for the metric system is very well researched. I read all of it.

[–] 0 pt

This is true actually. Base 12 is far easier to use for all the things most people have built for most of history.

[–] 1 pt

We've kept the system warm for you guys.

[–] 0 pt

Good, metric is gay.