I know one victim (male) : he told me about the episode.
He was a minor at the time, yet 20 years later he still complains - and won't give details.
I've stood up for this maggot (fiend) up/down/right/left and then Right again, but this silly fuck still won't give me the perp's name.
Suffice to say: I exploded on the first mention. My first response : "Give me his fucking name".
Despite being my best friend, the bastard (friend / victim : i.e. pre-teen young age at the time) wouldn't give the perpetrator's name - despite himself being in his 30's now.
- I.e.: The victim protects the bastard who caused him his misery.
What do?
I've sat on the fence for ~3 years hence.
If my friend gains sanity and give up the perp's name, the perp will be dead within a week.
(And my friend knows this, which is why he won't give me his name):
So many Questions...
And if you wonder: It's in a fucking Nordic country. It's a fucking menace over there.
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I know one victim (male) : he told me about the episode.
He was a minor at the time, yet 20 years later he still complains - and won't give details.
I've stood up for this maggot (fiend) up/down/right/left and then Right again, but this silly fuck still won't give me the perp's name.
Suffice to say: I exploded on the first mention. My first response : "Give me his fucking name".
Despite being my best friend, the bastard (friend / victim : i.e. pre-teen young age at the time) wouldn't give the perpetrator's name - despite himself being in his 30's now.
* **I.e.: The victim protects the bastard who caused him his misery.**
What do?
I've sat on the fence for ~3 years hence.
If my friend gains sanity and give up the perp's name, the perp will be dead within a week.
(And my friend knows this, which is why he won't give me his name):
So many Questions...
>!And if you wonder: It's in a fucking Nordic country. It's a fucking menace over there.!<
(post is archived)