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Archive: https://archive.today/2z9uQ

From the post:

>Conventional wisdom has it that the solid state era in electronics began in 1948 with the invention of the transistor, or if you wish to split hairs, with the 1930s invention by the Russian [Oleg Losev] of an early form of tunnel diode. But there’s an earlier amplifier technology that used a solid state circuit which is largely forgotten, and [AWA Communication Technologies Museum] has featured it in a new video. We’re talking of course about the carbon microphone amplifier, a piece of telephone technology which made its way into consumer electronics.

Archive: https://archive.today/2z9uQ From the post: >>Conventional wisdom has it that the solid state era in electronics began in 1948 with the invention of the transistor, or if you wish to split hairs, with the 1930s invention by the Russian [Oleg Losev] of an early form of tunnel diode. But there’s an earlier amplifier technology that used a solid state circuit which is largely forgotten, and [AWA Communication Technologies Museum] has featured it in a new video. We’re talking of course about the carbon microphone amplifier, a piece of telephone technology which made its way into consumer electronics.
[–] 1 pt

Julius Edgar Lilienfeld (a kike) is credited with creating the FET in 1925, but the properties of semiconductors were known about decades before, even if they couldn't be harnessed. Silicon Carbide was known to light when a direct current was applied (primitive LED) in the 1800s. Selenium and Copper Oxide were both known (albeit poor) semiconductors as well.

A carbon microphone isn't any more a solid state device than an iron-filing coherer is. It's a mechanical translator of energy, and in this case is just acting as a high-impedance shit grade speaker.