Tracking magpies is crucial for conservation efforts, as these birds are vulnerable to the increasing frequency and intensity of heatwaves under climate change.
BULL SHIT!. Magpies do not require any conservation efforts, they are a common bird throughout non-arid regions of Australia both in wilderness areas and in built up areas. In any event, "Climate EmErGeNcY!" has zero to do with any problems magpies face. Their main threat is being hit by cars as they swoop to protect their nest and often swoop intentionally into the path of oncoming cars. Anyone saying that magpies are threatened or that it has anything to do with the climate is a fucking moron!
Claims about survival rate of chics in heat waves or the behavior of magpies in heat sound about as plausible as the studies on reef fish under "ocean acidification" done in Northern Queensland over the last decade or so. Those studies showed very large effects and very small variances, but only when the studies were performed by a small set of "scientists". What we have now is activist "scientists" committing fraud to push their political agendas. Fuck them!
And Fuck Dan Andrews!
You gotta realize to that the people doing this "research" are 20 something indoctrinated liberal soys.
That'll tell you pretty much everything.
Everyone suffers from climate change! it's the only goverment approved explanation of the high death rate from gene therapy!!
(post is archived)