despite a seriously dense recent increasing retardation of the world this is so monumentally stupid it just hurts.
somehow, through the long lens of history, this is so so so so much worse than allowing ideologues to attack portland/the whole US for a year while telling people it is peaceful and they need to stay inside because a disease kills the elderly
*the idea that BOATS WILL ALWAYS HAVE POWER is braindead. it is fucking comatose. paper maps are goddamn better than gold if you don't know your surroundings well
I've gotta go buy new up-to-date charts for everywhere I might sail. Or at least everywhere I DO sail...
their process betrays their lack of reasoning:
we will slowly stop updating/publishing nautical maps based on what people use but then at an arbitrary date we chose we will abruptly stop all analogue publishing activity regardless of usage
(post is archived)