This idea was originally proposed by Moses Cotsworth (In spite of the name, I don't think he was Jewish). His almanac is pretty cool.
Is -worth really that popular with the kikes?
This idea was originally proposed by Moses Cotsworth (In spite of the name, I don't think he was Jewish). His almanac is pretty cool.
Is -worth really that popular with the kikes?
364 days is perfectly divisible by 13 and comes out to be exactly 28. But...
365 days is not perfectly divisible by 13 and leaves a remainder which happens to be 1/13 of a day or 1 whole day per year.
Leap year only makes it worse since there is roughly an extra 0.25 day per year in our annual cycle. Having to add an extra day every 4 years throws off that well lined up system, except for that extra day you have from above that wasn't dealt with yet already threw it off.
The proposed solution was to make the 365th day a special "New Year's Day," which is outside of the weeks and months of the normal calendar. Every fourth year, you'd have a two-day holiday. New Year's Day plus Leap Day.
The proposed solution was to make the 365th day a special "New Year's Day," which is outside of the weeks and months of the normal calendar. Every fourth year, you'd have a two-day holiday. New Year's Day plus Leap Day.
The whole conversion process would be disastrous to go from our current system to this proposed one. There would be an incredible amount of code changes needed to move to the new system and there would be a vast amount of hardware and software that would not be able to move forward which makes for a huge mess. There's just no way to get there without a massive and costly switchover that frankly will not provide much benefit. And of course all the legacy data/information and all of history is now in every form is ruined for time. It's just not worth it.
Well yeah, it'll definitely never happen. Would be cool, though. Very convenient.
Just add a day to February every year. Isn't the word month derivative of moon anyway. I'm not completely unfamiliar with this concept. Seems like it would make the lights in the sky act more calendrical
Just add a day to February every year. Isn't the word month derivative of moon anyway. I'm not completely unfamiliar with this concept. Seems like it would make the lights in the sky act more calendrical
The benefit was supposed to have the months always start and end on the same day of the week. The extra day and the leap day ruin that alignment no matter where you put them.
Yes. Elegance denied.
what do we name the 13th month?
The guy who came up with this suggested "Sol" and to put it in between June and July, but he also said he didn't care if people came up with something better.
Things would be easier with a 13 month calendar, no DST, and the 12-hour time system retired.
And make the new year begin in April. (Springtime for Hitler, no less!) This would realign September, October, November and December with their original namesake designation
No more 3 weekend pay periods, or 3 paycheck months, and every major date falls on the same day of the week.
I only see pluses to it, honestly.
Very interesting.
The math doesn't work out.