To be fair Tim probably meant to write dildos.
His jewish handlers have a stock pile of dildos for their shabbos goys.
To be fair Tim probably meant to write dildos.
His jewish handlers have a stock pile of dildos for their shabbos goys.
It not the bill of needs. I also don't need a bill written by men to know that God meant for me to be able to defend myself and family from his enemies.
Defending yourself and your family is not a legal matter in my opinion and any that would try to restrict it has lost their right to be a part of the society they are in.
But did Tim's AIPAC handler approve of him buying a scary boomstick? I think not!
Well, like I said, even a broken clock.... etc.
If you don't have guns, fucking buy some you pussy. If you do have guns, buy some more. And more ammo. AND armor plates. AND training.
There is nothing in the Second Amendment that references NEEDing guns.
If you live in a country with nogs and/or are in a low trust society you NEED guns.