Summer is only nice if it never gets above 79F and regularly dips below 60 at night.
Every season has its own charm, but it's real hard to beat sitting by the woodstove with a cup of coffee watching the snow fall.
Fuck summer. I'm so energized in the cold. So comfortable.
I was getting gas yesterday and the pajeet asked me why I was parked so far away in the cold. Because I wanted to walk in it.
Now, snow can be a pain in the ass for sure. But it was dry and 40 with sunshine. Felt amazing with just a thin long sleeve hooded thing on.
At night it was in the 20's and I had to change a part on the truck. My hands got beat up. That's pretty annoying.
Anyway, team winter (within reason) has my loyalty.
Same here. I like summer, but after a month it really get old.
I can't stand the heat, but cold doesn't bother me at all.
I already miss the boat. :(
I like winter when my testicles aren't freezing into popsicles.
The cold keeps the browns away.
I was born in Christchurch NZ in August. I grew up south of there. In winter the puddles are frozen and when it snows in town it freezes over and the snow stays there for three or more months. August is mid winter here. Not many brown skins in the south island as most of NZ population is in the north island 4 mil up north. 1 mil in the south.