This is result of immigration and green cards to students h1 visas.
The companies can pick and choose high degrees. Low wages. Labor is flooded.
There’s no fixing it either. No deportations will happen. It’s not just deporting. It’s the news making it look bad. It’s trumps donors from technology companies Silicon Valley. And Israeli contributors. We are 100% fucked.
Cancel all Work Visa's as well as Student visas (if they are not White). Deport them all. Don't give them a choice.
Unfortunately that probably won’t happen. Due to donors from Silicon Valley to campaigning including Trump. He wants to “staple green cards to diplomas” Meaning the White middle class being outmatched because their schools are cheap and gay. They come here and get paid more than they would in India or China.
Could make higher education less expensive like other countries. That wouldn't drive up the pay though, it would make the scenario in the image easier to swallow though
Cost of diplomas is directly correlated with government backed financing. Once gov put their hands into it, universities ramped up prices because of the student can’t pay the loans back, the government would. Everything to government touches turns to shit See Medicare and Obama care. Since inception. Health care prices went way up because the hospitals knew they would pay it (they being the tax payers at gunpoint by the government)
I agree completely with everything you've said. I hypothesize that if government funding were stopped for higher education, and all schools were forced to return to merit based admission and grading, schools would remove over half of the degrees they offer and prices would match those of a local community college.
(post is archived)