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You fuckers can fund your own wars and fuck off and die together. I hope, painfully.

You fuckers can fund your own wars and fuck off and die together. I hope, painfully.
[–] 9 pts

Do you think Israeli's deserve to be free?

Not without American Tax Dollars

[–] 6 pts

They can't even upgrade their own fucking bases! DoD is paying to upgrade 2 of their airbases so they can accomidate Boeings larger air tanker.

[–] 3 pts

Why would they need that? Oh, I assume that we bought those larger air tankers for them.

Let them all fade away. We don't need them, they need us.

[–] 4 pts

They're being allowed to buy new ones to replace the converted 737 or whatever model they converted to be an air tanker.

They have a budgetary surplus...they don't need aide of any kind. Fucking Schofeld Bible readers are fucking retarded.

[–] 3 pts

(((ChatGPT))) The future is fake, gay and jewed.

[–] 3 pts

The future present is fake, gay and jewed.


[–] 2 pts

THIS 'war' has been the same war for 3000 years and NO ONE has won Anything because there is Nothing There to Win. When schumer, pelosi etc. are Removed from Our Gov. The 'separation of church and state' will be enforced and the Idea that israel actually has Ever been anything but a money pit for the American citizen will be ended.

[–] 0 pt

GPT is garbage anyway. It codes like a pajeet.