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[–] 8 pts

Midwit. Don't complain about easy work.

[–] [deleted] 15 pts

I was a programmer. My job was to be a programmer. My incentive structure was based on programmer goals. But, to everyone else I was "the computer guy". So, when some moron has a problem with his computer, I get called in to do "computer stuff".

Becky needs MS Word installed. Bob needs his usb mouse plugged in. Stupid fucking shit.

Yeah, I got paid better than everyone else in the office. But only if my PROGRAMMING GOALS were met. But half my time was spent doing shit that did not achieve my goals.

So, fuck that. You have no idea what you are talking about.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

I "dropped out" of highschool so I could go to a night school (of the full dual seal, non-GED variety) and dual enroll for Unix/Windows Server 2003 IT degrees. I got so burned out by the calls from family, friends, friends of friends, and small companies that I crashed and burned hard with only a few credits left for the degrees. Burned out very hard. So hard that I intentionally derailed my own life and it took forever to get back on track with a new career.

As for programming, I only dabbled in ASM and C; never was great at it. Furthest I got were insult bots in C++ and hacks for late 90's/early 00's games.

Deepest respect for you having a career in that moron/SJW-infested field. I could have never done it.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts (edited )

Deepest respect for you having a career in that moron/SJW-infested field. I could have never done it.

LOL, it's not as bad as you think it is.

I had one guy under me who was a hard-core (((Mormon))). About as far-right as you can get. Dude LITERALLY believed he was a Jew.

5 feet away was another guy who was the biggest soy-fed faggot you've ever met.

Conversations in the office were hilarious, and I'd poke the bears often. But, we got along pretty OK.

[–] 1 pt

Things are easier now. C++ are dog Languages to learn.

Python and ruby are incredibly easier to learn and no longer a waste of time to learn as many companies use them.

And they learn to pay dirt languages php and c#

Stop being a little bitch. Jesus Christ. Would you rather be pushing boulders up a hill?

[–] 0 pt

Fair point.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Just to drive home my point, I'll lay it out for you.

My normal salary was minimum wage. $7.25 per hour.

But, if I met my goals, my bonuses for completing projects hiked me up to a good $50 - $100 per hour.

So, I was HIGHLY MOTIVATED to work. You would NEVER hear me complain about doing my job.

But, as soon as I had to explain to the intern how spreadsheets work, well, that's me making $7.25 an hour.

[–] 0 pt

Why did you not say, 'This does not fall under the purview of my job. These are basic office skills that I'm sure you assured our employer in your interviewer that you possessed."?

The dude's complaining about doing shit he should not be doing... DON'T DO IT IF YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING IT. I don't ask the janitor to give me back massages because he'll say no, and that's not his job. Tell your fucking company to hire a guy to help out the n00bs.

[–] 4 pts

Its more about the "What am I doing with my finite time on this planet."

Wasting it for fiat is never satisfying no matter how necessary.

[–] 0 pt

Fiat can get you land. From there, it's up to you.

[–] 4 pts

I bought an incredibly beautiful bit of land for dirt cheap because it was letf to the weeds for 20 years by its fuckwit previous owners. Now it's practically a tourist attraction. Honestly wasn't too much work fixing it up, and I do all my shit "organic". People will be creaming themselves to set up a tent on what was "condemned" 3 years ago. Buy land in the spots with good "gentrification" outlook.

[–] 4 pts

No, this is the infuriating part that outsiders don't understand. It's not about the money, it's about the headache over something that you could have resolved in minutes rather than hours. Perhaps IT used to be more relaxed for most professionals where you could just say "fuck it, easy work".

The reality today is that you start your day with a ticket queue of dumb stupid problems, most of which are resolved with a reboot. The hardest part is getting the users on the phone to sign off on a job done or to turn on their computer so you can fix the damn thing. I had a user run me around for a month over a printer issue. If their computer was on they were using it and too busy to let me work on it for 5 min. When they weren't "incredibly busy" they immediately turned the computer off. But would email me first thing each day asking if the problem has been resolved and emailing my boss to grill me about it.

Then there's the likelihood that you're also working on bigger projects. A $80k server upgrade project that you're desperately trying to keep on schedule because the client seems hell bent on making changes constantly. You've got 4hrs to get the report out to everyone, but now a server you're working on won't reboot. You waste 4 hrs driving to push a power button and now on your drive back you're doing damage control on the project because you're late all because 4 adults couldn't be bothered to push a power button.

Or you're doing a server migration, email and file server on 100+ people. You have one night to do it but just when you start at 10pm the server won't come back up. Now you have to drive for hours at 10pm to push a button, getting back to your desk after midnight, you now start the migration but come up short on time. Now if you're smart you're drafting emails and letters at 4am to send out at 7am to all employees and owners to not touch the computers because you'll need until 10am to complete your work. But people come in anyway and start hammering your systems mid migration, now you've got 100+ people calling and emailing you that things don't work...

IT today is expected to do so much more than 40 years ago when it was, "I'm so lucky I get paid to drive for hours and push a button on a big important box." Because for the last 20 yrs of IT it's been "FUCK FUCK FUCK, why is this server not back up, fuck, this is going to nuke my stats. My boss is already chewing me out over my metrics. I don't know why I'm taking 20% longer this month to close out tickets but this ticket is not going to help me. If I have to drive out I'm going to be fucked on my next performance review."

Do you know how to hide 2hrs of taking your own notes on everything each day? Performance reviews are monthly and they always expect you to perfectly recall everything that's happened from memory. They have statements and paperwork to refer too. You have your memory, so unless you want to be the scapegoat for everything that happens you better have a more detailed record to reference when questioned because it will happen.

[–] 0 pt

That honestly sounds a lot like having a problem with saying NO.

[–] -1 pt

While I can sympathize and i'm sure it is difficult; you're sounding like a bit of a fag.

[–] 0 pt

I'm embellishing to a degree. The pressure is always there and while it sounds nice on paper or an online post. The reality is that if you have to haul your ass to BFE all to push a button someone was certain was already on... you will be pissed rather than pleased.

[–] 1 pt

Or you can not be a retarded normie and just work for yourself.

I know. Who the fuck complains about getting paid well for an easy job? What a boob.

[–] 0 pt

He explains elsewhere in the thread he makes 7.50/hr for basic work, only gets paid a living wage when completing projects. I didn't know an employer would switch payrates like that.