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(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

200 ppm is enough to kill. (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)

If you have a room that's 50 x 50 x 8 give or take, you have 20,000 cubic feet of air. 200 ppm means you need 4 cubic feet of hydrogen cyanide to kill everyone in the room. There's no way you can't flow the gas at 4 CFM. A computer case fan can deliver 60 CFM. One computer fan could deliver enough cyanide gas to kill everyone in that room in 4 seconds.

There's tons of bullshit about the holobunga, but this isn't the hill to make your stand on.

[–] 5 pts (edited )

As a teenager it was my job to gas our facility at the end of summer. Huge warehouse of several large rooms. I would set up a five gallon bucket of sulfuric acid in each room with a planned escape route. Drop a small paper bag of cyanide crystals in each bucket as I passed by. I was so paranoid I'd hold my breath for the entire run until I safely exited the building and locked the last door. I had already posted warning signs at every entrance and had amyl nitrate capsules on hand just in case.

my greatest fear was falling down while making my run. Not really a run, more like a fast careful walk that should be less than a minute. I'd do a dry run a couple times as rehearsal before actually dropping the crystals in the acid.

After lockup I would go to a window to watch insects just drop out of the air.

I learned to really hate the horrible stench of that gas. Next morning it was my job to open the warehouse dock doors and then let it air out for the weekend. Basically you open the dock doors first run away and then come back later to turn on fans at windows when most of the gas is gone. By the next day it was safe enough to bring in the workers.

Saying you can't gas a small area to kill a room full of people makes no sense to me. I've worked with this gas and it's horrible.

I hope you were handsomely rewarded for that risky job.

[–] 1 pt

Nope. $3.50 an hour.

[–] 0 pt

this whole meme is pointless anyway. there's already mountains of evidence that proves the gas chamber is just a myth. the greatest imo, being the claims of nuremburg trials themselves. their claims simply cannot have happened. not just mathematically, but no human would survive a room full of ziklon b, even if it was vented properly(which it was not even close). any human that even made contact (handle/carry) with a person who was exposed to ziklob b would die themselves. yet that is what they claimed to happened. four jews wearing absolutely no protective suits supposedly carried all gassed bodies from the chamber to the crematorium. all day every day. LOL no memes needed.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I just checked the “currently accepted holocaust narrative“ {Wikipedia is actually good for something } and fans were only used for ventilation afterwards. It was “dropped in from the ceiling and aloud to disperse”. How long does it take to disperse in this scenario? To reach every corner of the room?

The substance will naturally attempt to reach equal ppm across the entire cubic area but doesn’t that take a while in dead air? What do you think the cycle time of that death box really was? 15 minutes plus air out time? Maybe 90 minutes for every one of them to die plus air out time?

And the fans to air it out are pretty funny. “Please come on into our multi person shower stall! Oh…the giant fans? They are just there to dry you off afterwards. Didn’t you know? All of us Nazis have those in our showers.”

[–] 0 pt

I just checked the “currently accepted holocaust narrative“ {Wikipedia is actually good for something } and fans were only used for ventilation afterwards. It was “dropped in from the ceiling and aloud to disperse”. How long does it take to disperse in this scenario? To reach every corner of the room?

You're arguing with yourself. Nobody was talking about how to disperse poison gas from a point source. We're talking about the subject of this post, which claimed you can't pump enough gas into a fake shower room to kill people. That is false.

And the fans to air it out are pretty funny. “Please come on into our multi person shower stall! Oh…the giant fans? They are just there to dry you off afterwards. Didn’t you know? All of us Nazis have those in our showers.”

Weird. I never thought anything of the exhaust fans in all the bathrooms I've been in. I never questioned why they were there. It seems kind of obvious to me.

[–] 0 pt

“Arguing with myself.” But yet you reply.

My point was that no one has ever claimed the gas was pumped in. Only that it was pumped out. What is the CFM rating of the vent fan in your bathroom? Look up some industrial fans and figure out how many 24 inch units With modern fan blades it would take to evacuate the air efficiently from such a large space as was described.

[–] 0 pt

are you saying you believe the gas chamber narrative?

[–] 1 pt

I said you can fill a 50 x 50 room with enough cyanide gas to kill everyone inside easily. That doesn't say I believe it was done. You need to read up on how to employ deductive logic.

[–] 0 pt

ok.. all that aside then, how about an answer to the question.

[–] 0 pt

really the wooden doors, lack of any gas residue, lack of any bodies, inability of the furnaces to burn even a fraction of the bodies they supposedly did, 'gas chambers' that had windows and/or ventilation connecting to the officer's barracks (depends on the camp), chimneys that were built years after the war and don't connect to anything. jewsish population data showing an increase in population, why would the Germans transport prisoners between camps if they were just going to kill them?

all of these are much better reasons than 'not enough concentration in the gas'

[–] 0 pt

Bless your soul. We get nowhere with these tools hanging on.

[–] 0 pt

What do you mean?

[–] 5 pts

I mean, we often have a lack of intellectualism around here unfortunately. Photoshopped images passed off as real, easily debunked claims like this... they make us look like idiots... as gay as reddit is, especially 5+ years ago, if a post was contentious, the top 2-5 comments would be well thought out and nuanced discussion... you could very quickly understand the basics of an argument. Sadly here, it's too common to see something that's just false, then just check the comments to find nothing but mouth-breathers and presumably alphabet bois agreeing in a chorus.