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[–] [deleted] 4 pts

I got kicked off of a Donald Trump message forum, while I even still supported the guy, because I dared to suggest that we needed to fight back against Covid mania as if it were the last stand because we would never go back. There would be no end to it if he bent over and took it up the ass, but he did. That was when they killed our republic, that was the stake in the heart, masks, lockdowns, they were testing our obedience and we failed.

He put that son of a bitch Fauci on television every day and sat on his fat ass while governors destroyed their states and violated the constitutional rights of their constituents without any pushback whatsoever but plenty of federal funding. Those governors should’ve been arrested for violating the Constitution and torturing children in public schools with masks and destroying businesses and society with unconstitutional orders and mandates.

That fucking douche bag actually funded the lockdowns with federal money and paid idiots to stay home with taxpayer money.

He gave them every single thing they wanted and just sat there and watched, and then went out to play some golf, and hop on social media, and whine and moan about shit he did nothing to fix.

That truly was the last stand. They now know they can take our rights whenever they want to, it was confirmed and even applauded by that stupid fat bastard. He even bragged about the measures he took to “protect everyone.” His own followers patted him on the back, the same people that now complain about lockdowns and vaccines and masks once enthusiastically excused every step he took in that direction.

I blame them just as much for what happened. They knew better. Or at least they should’ve. Instead they banned anyone who warned them. There’s a pattern. They always ban people who end up being exactly right.

All the people that warned them about the upcoming election, not to get cocky, to put pressure on the White House to secure the election, for four years people begged for anyone to listen, to help pressure him, it was the only thing he ever responded to - pressure. And those people got banned because they didn’t trust the plan.

How’s that plan working out?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

What plan are you talking about? The game of politics? Well yeah that's part of the plan, do you think it's right to not point out the emperor has no clothes? You had a nice 4 year run doing just that, and now when the tables are turned, you're acting like a punk bitch.

You would fold like a napkin if you took 1/1,000th the online abuse Trump took, don't you think? I mean if some random nobody can get you on edge, imagine enduring constant smears, people literally made careers insulting and mocking Trump for 4 years straight. The guy never fucking quit.

How are you supposed to react to that kind of bullshit? Tell me, should be filed in there with your perfect plan :)

[–] 1 pt

He never quit selling us out, you mean..

[–] 0 pt

Whatever, president is just a face, and yeah he sold out to big oil, and? They take care of their people, you fail to understand the gravity of the situation. This is and has been a battle over energy. You think wind and solar can keep the lights on? The server farms, the particle accelerators, the crypto mining, etc etc?

It's a matter of cost, how much does it cost, and how can they lower the cost of doing business? Everyone is connected to the internet, and almost all internet traffic gets routed through a few websites, that centralization is basically TV 2.0. It's a huge money cow, and to keep it pumping takes tremendous amounts of energy. Hydrocarbons still account for nearly 70% of all electricity generated. That means big tech has to pay for that hydrocarbon, they want to pay less, big oil just wants its cut.

Pushing the green infrastructure is to force big oil to cater to big tech's electrical needs. Big oil is like, you do realize this is a limited resource, we are already bending over backwards to make things as efficient as possible. The tech manufacturers are also going this route, catering to big tech by making more energy efficient chips. Big tech still demands more, and more, and more, without end, because they don't see things in terms of limited resources.

They only see things in terms of ideas, data, completely hypothetical things. None of the things big tech deals with is physically tangible stuff. It's just ways to help us "visualize" things. Name one piece of software that doesn't amount to simply visualizing reality in some way.

That’s laughable, but I didn’t run for president. I didn’t make promises to a nation and then fold like a napkin when it came time to fulfilling them.

You can’t argue that he was a raging success so instead you argue that he was persecuted. Pretty standard for his cult.

You guys spent four years claiming every one of his failures was part of some plan to trick the bad guys. How did that work out?

[–] 0 pt

LMAO he made energy cheap, if you don't see how you benefit from that then you don't really work.