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I saw some nigger-shill post, claiming that whites being infiltrated and underminded by niggers is somehow someway a jew "fear". So I had to correct it.

I saw some nigger-shill post, claiming that whites being infiltrated and underminded by niggers is somehow someway a jew "fear". So I had to correct it.

(post is archived)

[–] 15 pts

Nice pic. I have 6...for now. Started in 2010...waited 3 years for the second one like a good goy...rapid fire unassisted homebirths ever since. My wife kicks ass.

[–] 2 pts

How did y'all do the home births? Any advice you can give me for future reference?

[–] 9 pts

Best advice...pregnancy is not an illness. Not all pregancies are successful, and that is part of life. My wife has an amazing husband who made her feel safe, and that is a big part of it.

[–] 0 pt

My wife said the same thing.

People were constantly telling her that it was an illness.

Three girls together. Three more apart. She worked up to the last day in each instance

[–] 1 pt

Wow! Very impressive. Indeed an involved father helping during labor is so important to having a smooth birth.

Future dads, look into Bradley birth if you're having any kids. It's wonderful guidance and classes on how to be a helpful birth partner. My husband and I took these classes before our first and will be having our 3rd unmedicated birth center birth in just a few weeks. His help with the process is vital and totally amazing.

[–] 1 pt

Do you ever think about that you have to split your wealth every time a child is born, thus decreasing the share of each child?

It's one of the thing that makes me hesitate, because I don't want my children to be wage slaves

You have their entire childhood to teach them ...

Quit making excuses!

[–] 0 pt

rapid fire unassisted homebirths ever since

Please explain.

[–] 0 pt

In 7 years we have had 4 babies at home. Not as quick as I would like, but she is pregnant again, so thats nice.

[–] 0 pt

Is she/you religious?

Is that why she wants to have so many kids? Feels it is her duty to god? Reason I ask is that its rare to find a woman who wants more than one or two these days.

Where did you find her?

[+] [deleted] 7 pts
[–] 3 pts

This is encouraging with today's census report

[–] 2 pts

Blacks are barely good for strapping bombs onto and sending towards the enemy in the first wave.

That's just a fact when looking at historical battles with blacks.

Neegars, or "blacks" as you call them, are neither brave nor zealous enough to ever put their life in danger for or against another person. The colored never dies a heroes death; he just one more dead nigger. and you know what they say about a dead nigger...

[–] 1 pt

How the fuck do you have a kid in February and December the same year!? Does it get easier to get pregnant the more kids you have? It took my wife a few months to even want to have sex after our son was born, but the second is on the way and will be here before our son turns 2!

[–] 6 pts

> How the fuck do you have a kid in February and December the same year!?

Back in the olden days, that was called Irish Twins.

[–] 3 pts

It's still called that. And I think it's quite funny.

[–] 5 pts

A lot of it depends on nursing. Nursing on demand greatly impacts the return of fertility. I cosleep with my babies and always let them nurse at night which helped everyone sleep easier and it delays the return of menstruation. My cycle didnt return for 18 months after both my kids were born so that was like built in birth control. I liked it thay way because I was able to ween, potty train, and get the kids in their own bed by the time the next one came. My 3rd will be here in a few weeks.

My brother and I are 11 months apart (Irish twins). I believe my mom put me on formula so she wasnt nursing as much which made her fertile soon after giving birth.

I like having a bit of time between babies as well because I think it's important to rebuild your nutritional stores after having a baby.

[–] 5 pts

Yeah my wife talked about something similar. She breast fed for about 14 months, so it took her awhile to have her cycles again. She only had 1 period before I knocked her up again.

[–] 2 pts

Yeah, I've only had a few periods the past 5 years because I keep getting pregnant or am nursing. Two kids under two will keep you busy.

[–] 3 pts

Yeah id think letting your body recover for more than 2 months before the next pregnancy wouldnt be a bad idea. Wtf do i know though?

[–] 0 pt

Take multivitamins.

Its how they get sheep to have more kids. Without them they can't.

bravo. Sounds like you're going to have great kids with a great mom.

[–] 1 pt

Formula feeding. If there is no child breastfeeding the body thinks the kid died and menstrual cycle returns.

[–] 1 pt

Ever notice how every Jew is innocent?

[–] 1 pt

Aren’t you supposed to wait several months to have sex after a birth? June-April is only 10 months, they started banging before her stitches healed

[–] 0 pt

No you can fuck as soon a she feels ready. Wife's second child c sect. 3 weeks horny as fuck even though little man breast fed every 2 hrs for first 3 months he was a hungry fucker kept them tits dry hahaha. Got a big head now smart as a whip to

[–] 1 pt

There is a dinner plate size wound on the uterus after birth. It needs around 6 weeks to heal. Sex before then risks infection.

[–] 0 pt

Didn't know that but she was horny and wanted it so she got it. I didn't beat her brains out for the first 2 months. Hope that's worth something

[–] 0 pt

she doesnt need stitches if she gives birth normally, only for cezarian

[–] 0 pt

I saw some nigger-shill post, claiming that whites being infiltrated and underminded by niggers is somehow someway a jew "fear". So I had to correct it.

It happens regularly the (((claim))) that jews fear White allying with niggers.

[–] 0 pt

Good goy breed more

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