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[–] [deleted] 8 pts

Anyone who still believes in democracy is part of the problem. Wake the fuck up. Go listen to the Fuhrer some more.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

I'm honestly more surprised that (((they))) managed to sell the system to White men, a system where women and niggers can vote.

This psyop started before any of our lifetimes.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

It's the Tavistock Institute and CIA who've created this false reality through the television which intentionally demoralized White man into building satans world for the false jews.

Khazar babylonian satanic devil's.

The whole world is a psyop it seems, at least from our perspective.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Fascists were at the forefront of womens suffrage. The Nazis lowered the voting age and had no problem with girls voting. The problem is that traditional conservativism has no real political representation. It died at the end of the 19th century with WW1. All we have are these pseudo-right wing movements largely filled with leftist degenerates like fascism and nazism, which only pay lip service to traditionalism while passing all kinds of degenerate modernist policies.

I think the growing interest in neo-reactionary politics is a result of people's need for real traditionalist right wing ideas and solutions.

[–] 0 pt

You are a simplistic fucking retard. The problem is jews and other foreigners corrupting the system. Just because your democracy became corrupt doesn’t mean all democracies are corrupt.

Democracy is an instrument for the jew you kike cocksucker.

[–] 1 pt

No it isn’t. You think its that because there are foreigners in your demos. Thats not your demos. You cant’ expect a decent democracy with a shitty demos. Genetics are real.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

But do the jews simply thrive under corrupt democracy or create it? I think the answer is a bit of both. The conditions for democracy no longer exist in America. Functioning democracy needs a cohesive populace, a limited/decentralized government, insulation from foreign/bought press, it's not equipped to deal with corporations (especially the international kind).It's not equipped to deal with propaganda at the speed of light, It's not equipped to deal with dictators who turn on a dime. It's not like there is a long track record but just like any other system of government democracy is crumbling and morphing before our eyes as our empire falls.

Piece by piece our society has given up on democracy out of mistake or necessity. We gave up states rights on the fields of Gettysburg, we sold control of our currency and our souls in 1913, we centralized, created the military industrial complex and seeded control to deep state bureaucrats to fight Russians in a war that never happened, we tore up the bill of rights to 'protect' Americans from an impotent threat that that the petrodollar (and Israel)) created, and now we are lighting the shreds on fire to 'protect' ourselves against a man made flu that kills 90 year olds. Soon we spin up to eradicate human rights completely as we enter a second cold war/proxy war with China. The arms race is unavoidable and pervades everything, Truman was damned if he did and damned if he didn't.

Welcome to the new nuclear age of warfare and statecraft. Democracy is dead, totalitarianism is now. You cannot escape the boot, left, right, left, right! It's one or the other! The only choice is do you become a communist or the communists only predator?

[–] 0 pt

Whoa, just whoa.

You make some good points and then you collapse in a catastrophizing frenzy of emotion. “There’s no choice! There’s no choice!”

Democracy is still better than an oligarchy when you have a genetically and culturally homogeneous demos that is not filled with morons and is invested in the well being of the larger society. The path back to that is beset with jews and other opportunists. These are two separate issues. I stand by my assertion democracy is not inherently flawed and if you put a a small group of “good people” in charge of everything they will become endogamous and exploit the demos. Eventually. Guaranteed. Rule by an enobled elite is a recipe for exploitation.

theres no way back to democracy, accept totalitarianism as the fate of mankind, this is the end of history.

Nope. I think you are trying to force me in to a false choice here. You might have to take some undemocratic steps to get back to a democracy. But that is a far cry from denouncing democracy as inherently inferior to totalitarianism.

[–] 0 pt

Which Western democracy was the last to be corrupted and when was that?

[–] 2 pts

Which non democratic western regime was has not been corrupted? Show me the oligarchy that is corruption proof.