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I remember making a little fort for my cat when I was a kid. I redrew the Kit-Kat logo on some cardboard. I most certainly drew a dash. Now they claim there was never a dash!

I remember making a little fort for my cat when I was a kid. I redrew the Kit-Kat logo on some cardboard. I most certainly drew a dash. Now they claim there was never a dash!

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

I swear we exist in the Matrix. We all know that basic elements of reality are changing, and it's not all just our brains misperceiving things.

"Science" says it's all cognitive. Yet there's no proof of things like mass delusions. The explanation is tautological. What people say they saw or remembered must be wrong, therefore people must have suffered a mass delusion. We know mass delusion is the explanation because people say they saw things "scientists" claim they can't have seen.

This sort of reasoning is the heart of the "science" pushed by the system.

I wish I could go to a debate on evolution and ask the evolutionist what kind of evidence they would need to stop believing in evolution. Under the existing paradigm, anything can be utilized as proof of evolution because its argument is tautological in nature.

[–] 1 pt

everything has changed. people believe that only a handful of things have changed. but i couldnt even tell of a single piece of art that didnt change at some point in time. what im saying is people almost never notice the changes, and when they do they blame it on bad memory.

[–] 0 pt

Omfg, I think you're right! (pic8.co)

[–] 0 pt

I know.

I'm just saying that our reality might not be the way we're all told.

There are too many weird fucking things that science doesn't explain.

For example, what the fuck is up with shoes on highways? We've all seen solitary shoes sitting in the middle of the road. There's no sensible explanation.

Science's explanations used to explain away our shared uncanny experiences all boil down to "your brain is stupid, and you are wrong, you uneducated cretin."

Being in a simulation makes as much sense as anything. A discontinuous synthetic reality explains our uncanny experiences without resorting to the claim that our cognitive equipment is faulty.

Science's claim that our minds are unreliable undermines science. Science claims that "controls" and rigid methodology correct for our brains, but that doesn't make sense because our faulty minds developed the controls and methodology. If we can't trust our minds, then we certainly cannot trust the "controls" and methodology devised by our minds, can we?