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I want to be on the front page with minimal effort!


GARBAGE! I want to be on the front page with minimal effort! # \#Reparations!

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

It's like watching your child grow up and leave the house. Bittersweet.

[–] 4 pts

I just gave you a faggot point. I will pay you 1 per post for 10 posts for muh repuhrayshunzez.

[–] 4 pts

There's users browsing the front page? /all/new is where the action is at.

[–] 6 pts

PLEASE! That's far too much content for me. I enjoy reading the same titles over, and over, and over, and over again.

Who wants to see new and interesting content anyway!?

[–] 4 pts

It’s all a big conspiracy

[–] 2 pts

I know. To take me donw. You were tired of all the (((gay porn))) constantly littering the front page, weren't you!!

[–] 2 pts

Guilty as charged what can I say I’m a lesbian tranny all I want to see it lesbian porn on the front page.

[–] 3 pts


12 points lasts about a day

25 points lasts about 2

and these have 36+, they are going to stick for a while, might be 3 or more days

[–] 2 pts

REPARTATIONS!!!!!!!! I'm with ya!

[–] 1 pt

Now the front page will be fluff bullshit pushed by shills and their alts. Sort by new.