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Leaks are still happening, and it makes sense to consolidate and organize them. One recent example is a 1.9 million record FBI database of its terror watch list. That's as big as anything else wikileaks covered, but there is no wikileaks to keep it online and accessible to everyone. Unless there is and I'm simply not aware of it.

The lack of a wikileaks also demotivates those who would leak and know things that need to be leaked, if they think there is no place for their leak to live on the internet and that it will only fall on deaf ears. Right now is a critical time that leakers need to be leaking anything they think is critical for the public to know.


Leaks are still happening, and it makes sense to consolidate and organize them. One recent example is a 1.9 million record FBI database of its terror watch list. That's as big as anything else wikileaks covered, but there is no wikileaks to keep it online and accessible to everyone. Unless there is and I'm simply not aware of it. The lack of a wikileaks also demotivates those who would leak and know things that need to be leaked, if they think there is no place for their leak to live on the internet and that it will only fall on deaf ears. Right now is a critical time that leakers need to be leaking anything they think is critical for the public to know. https://www.dailyveracity.com/2021/12/14/fbi-terror-watch-list-containing-1-9-million-records-including-names-leaked-online/

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

Wikileaks conveniently does not expose Mossad. Make of that what you will.

They have been in receipt of MANY new leaks but have published none.

They received the Hunter Biden laptop material and numerous Hunter Biden emails. They ignored it.

They could easily publish it, even now, and it would make a huge impact.

[–] 1 pt

Actually that is untrue. Wikileaks says Israel did 9/11. That's as based as it gets. Assange himself has openly talked about the emails they recovered sent between a Belgium office and agents in Florida discussing the status of the pilot's training. That Belgium office being a Mossad field office.


Ah. The sour grapes of Julian Assange. We can't have him anymore so he must have just been a Mossad agent. You are glued to the idea of being defeated to the point that you can't see any good in the world lest it trample your defeated mindset. It will become a self-fulfilling prophecy if you let it.

[–] 3 pts

"Wikileaks" never said Israel did 9/11. They released Stratfor emails which include a massive amount of randomness, and, in the case that you link to, is a rando person sending an article by Wayne Madsen to Stratfor's catch all email address... <responses@stratfor.com>.

Stratfor leaks were an attack on Stratfor, which was in competition with other threat assessment firms run by Mossad... which use dubious threat reports to steer policy and propaganda. Mossad can't let untainted security firms operate freely, because it would expose themselves as the primary threat.

I know a thing or two about Wikileaks and I will happily change my mind if you can show me where they've publicized their opinion that Israel did 9/11.

Julian Assange is not Wikileaks. In fact, Wikileaks could make Assange's incarceration a moot point by releasing everything they've got.

Maybe you can refresh my memory on whether or not they've updated their PGP key. I haven't checked in ages.

Either way... refresh your memory with this...


If Wikileaks was not compromised, then where is this material? Nowhere.

The last "real" communication from Assange was a document identifier for a document from Iraq.


Where is the document?

(Actually, it is two spoofed MAC address AND a document ID. I assume he is trying to say the file was copied from one to another... but who knows.)

I believe that his most recent interviews, like with John Pilger, may have been deep faked the same way the Pfizer CEO interview was deep faked. Digital artifacts are present that are common to deep fakes (watch his collar, or the Pfizer CEO's neck). This is happening a lot more than people are willing to admit, of course, but it may be that normies will never accept that as believable as their screens have become false idols.

Why does Wikileaks not continue to publish? Hunter Biden's laptop? Even if it was just his emails, which pass DKIM verification. Most of their leaks are the result of OTHER leakers forcing them to take control of the material.

The DNC leaks were not from Wikileaks, they were from Soros Leaks and republished by Wikileaks; just like the Hillary Clinton emails. Wikileaks ONLY hosts Hillary emails released by the FBI. If they went to all the trouble to selectively make readable text from the file images, why not Epstein's blackbook or flight logs?

The Pegasus/NSO group leaks? Nada. THAT would blow Mossad out of the water.

The Podesta leaks did nothing to stop the Podestas. At all. Podesta was the one who chose Trump to run and it is more clear than ever that Trump was controlled opposition, all along, bending over for the Medical Industrial Complex, Russia, Israel and Democrats everywhere.

This is why you're going to have a hard time convincing me they were or are anything other than a counterintelligence operation.

Wikileaks has been given tons of info on politically protected pedophiles since before 2016. This is a topic they are silent on. Sure, in 2010, there is some good stuff on Dutroux... a day late and a dollar short. That means Wikileaks had years to name names. Why have they not?

I can tell you, from personal experience, Wikileaks refuses to publish damning information that would have very much helped against the totalitarian push by the medical industrial complex.

Not only do I believe Mossad conducted the 9/11 attacks, I am certain that all major intelligence agencies (at the time) were already working together in service of the same monolothic master. Skolkovo proves that the CIA and FSB work together. Wuhan funding proves that the CIA and MSS work together. Wikileaks works for the same master, in my opinion.

Either way, help starts at home and Israel would cease to be a problem in the US if the US simply prosecuted corrupt politicians. This is the crux of the problem; lack of prosecution. The reason the lack of prosecution happens is because of pedophile blackmail schemes. Convicting any pedophile with a death sentence who operated "under color of law" (Brett Blomme, for example) would also cease a great deal of corruption in an instant.