Fine, all the non White babies go to you to raise them. (I'll point out that's sarcasm for you.)
You seem like the kind of jew-owned faggot...
Lmfao! You need to look at my old comments. Few from today. Not sure you are capable of hating jews as much as I do. Maybe, but idk.
While I would love to see all non Whites deportated to thier homelands immediately, they can feed their unborn fetuses to the jews to all I care. I don't, they're not White, they don't belong here. I hate all non Whites equally.
Get onboard with White supremacy or fuck off, you little bitch. Block me if I made you pussy hurt over it.
Why do you capitalize White? Why do you lowercase jew? I'm not really asking, I know the answer.
Because Whites are human. Humans deserve respect. Non Whites are nothing. jews are neanderthals, less than non Whites.
Do you get paid to sew division amongst Whites?
jews are parasites.
(post is archived)