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This isn't a discussion whether or not the Earth is a sphere or flat. This was figured out thousands of years ago. https://archive.vn/aiiu2

This isn't a discussion whether or not the Earth is a sphere or flat. This was figured out thousands of years ago. https://archive.vn/aiiu2

(post is archived)

[–] 8 pts (edited )

I'm kinda disappoint on that one.

This is just a compilation of quotes and verses from the Bible, the Torah and the Talmud.

It doesn't provide empirical evidences that would make the FE model valid and credible. It mostly rejects the Heliocentric model and calculations calling them ridiculous.

But the cherry on top was to get the confirmation it was written by a jew: the very last word is at the end is "Shalom".

My jewdar was right.

[–] 3 pts

You were serious about the shalom part. I downloaded it just to see for myself. That's hilarious.

[–] 1 pt

If you look into the guy who wrote it, you wouldn't agree he's a jew.

He actually claims to be a "southern israelite" and often uses it tomake the claim he cannot be antisemetic. It's actually pretty damn clever.

You can believe whatever you want. Once you see the globe earth model is false, you will feel like an idiot. Happened to me.

Also, I will note that the Bible does in fact describe the earth as flat. God Himself describes it as such in Job 38:13-14

So if you think God's word is less meaningful than "emperical evidence" go right ahead and believe the babylonians.

[–] 1 pt

The flat earth model doesn't work with what @Gumbatron explained (I did try it on both north and southern hemispheres and they spin in opposite directions).

Being in Australia it is quite easy to determine that the earth is not flat. Just take a long exposure photo of the night sky, you will see it rotating about a point near the Southern Cross. As the night sky also appears to rotate about the Pole star in the Northern hemisphere, the only consistent conclusion is that the Earth is a globular shape that spins about its axis roughly every 24 hours.


[–] 1 pt

Pray about it. Be willing to be wrong.

Once you see it, you will be amazed.