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This isn't a discussion whether or not the Earth is a sphere or flat. This was figured out thousands of years ago. https://archive.vn/aiiu2

This isn't a discussion whether or not the Earth is a sphere or flat. This was figured out thousands of years ago. https://archive.vn/aiiu2

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts (edited )

That faded glory guy posted a good one.

  1. Buy a cheap drone with a camera that broadcasts to your phone.
  2. Take it to a field with a good westerly view
  3. Wait until the sun is just completely down over the horizon.
  4. Send the drone up a few hundred feet.
  5. Voila! You can see the sun again. Watch the sun set a second time.
  6. Send the drone up a few hundred more feet.
  7. Bam, third sunset.

If the earth was flat, this would not be possible, because the sun would be below the edge of your imaginary firmament. The firmament would have to become transparent at the edges magically for you to see the sun from the drone, but this would leave it visible to you too on the firmament's ground. This is retarded magical thinking and impossible utter nonsense, of course.

But alas, because the earth is an oblate spheroid, you can do this trick because the higher perspective of the drone allows you to overcome more of the curvature of the earth and see the sunset again.

[–] 2 pts

Send the drone up a few hundred feet. Voila! You can see the sun again. Watch the sun set a second time.

It's obviously a trick of the evil White man!

[–] 1 pt

Now try and land an airplane on a surface that is spinning at over 1000mph's.

You can't. This is why earth is not a spinning ball.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Wow are you a stupid nigger.

Your argument is cartoonishly simple minded. You are essentially saying that if I move from one train car to another while the train is moving, I should immediately be crushed by the speeding train.

Yes, the gigantic earth is spinning at 1,000 mph, but the atmosphere is also spinning at relatively the same speed. There is no friction in space to slow the atmosphere to a different speed.

We're also rotating around the sun at over 60,000+ mph. Do you know why the atmosphere doesn't rip off the earth at 60,000 mph as well?

Were you not taught about the law of conservation of energy?

[–] 1 pt

You must have attended public school in order to believe the bullshit coming from your mouth. That's sad.

[–] 0 pt

If the atmosphere and the earth are spinning as fast as you say (which is just someone else's lie you're choosing to repeat), then why is your skin still attached to your face?

[–] 0 pt
[–] 2 pts
[–] 1 pt

It can be explained by a dome.

I appreciate your sending vids and such. I prefer it to people just calling me a kike for disagreeing with what the jews are saying today.

Check this out: https://vid8.poal.co/user/picman/r9ybGyT?u=t

At about 4:30, you can see this (pic8.co)

Take it for what you will, but that looks to me like a heat radiation zone just above where the sun is located. That cannot be explained by the heliocentric model where the sun is 98,000,000+ miles away and all rays are coming straight down.

Believe what you will. I used to be a globe earth guy as of 1 year ago. But it follows the same script as too many great lies. I am no longer convinced globe earth is correct. And why would it be? Why would the ruling elites want everyone to know the truth about space, when they lie about literally everything else under the sun.

[–] 0 pt

Did someone actually perform this experiment, or is it still just a theory? I once saw a video of a guy trying to prove that the earth was a sphere just by drawing stuff on his computer; it didn't prove shit but most of the comment were from people who were satisfied with this 'experiment'.

[–] 3 pts
[–] 1 pt

This is interesting, but could the sun had just disappeared behind some tall trees too far away to see them from the drone? Nonetheless, this is the start of a good experiment; either to prove or disprove the claimed shape of our world.