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This isn't a discussion whether or not the Earth is a sphere or flat. This was figured out thousands of years ago. https://archive.vn/aiiu2

This isn't a discussion whether or not the Earth is a sphere or flat. This was figured out thousands of years ago. https://archive.vn/aiiu2

(post is archived)

[–] 8 pts

I agree that flat earthers are mostly jews and a few dummies who fell for it. It's a well poisoning operation.

[–] 3 pts

Or Muslims. The muslims lifted their geography and planetology from the torah.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

I cannot accept FE becuase of empirical and calculated science.

Round Quarks are a fundamental constituent of matter and is defined as an elementary particle. These quarks combine to produce composite round particles called hadrons, the most stable of which are round neutrons and round protons which are the components of atomic nuclei. Those bind and become round neutrons and protons, with round electrons in orbit around the nuclei, which if you kept scaling it up looks like the sun with planets but not all on the same plain. Meanwhile all of those round suns, in which you have the orbiting of planets for each basically round solar system, you have the galaxy, which then rotates in a round pattern.

The exception are asteroids, becuase they are not rotating, never experiance the centrifugal and centripetal forces therefore can end up in weird shapes without much gravitational energy.

To say the earth is flat is to say it goes against nature from the sub atomic level to things greater than our comprehension, it would also say the earth does not rotate, and is not trapped in the suns gravitational field.

Going against nature and pretending its right are what jews do best, esp when you only look at the fires below for nature's answers.

And that is why jews are trans, fake and gay living on the flat earth.

[–] 1 pt

The exception are asteroids, becuase they are not rotating, never experiance the centrifugal and centripetal forces therefore can end up in weird shapes without much gravitational energy.

That's not quite right. Most astroids do rotate, they aren't round because they don't have enough gravity to be in hydrostatic equilibrium.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Yeah, I should not have said not rotating, it's like being in stop and go traffic, but saying to your wife on the phone " I'm not moving". It is, just not in the same way a planet does. Valid point though.

[–] 1 pt

They're not all jews but it is a jewish psyop.

[–] 1 pt

if you insist on doing exactly the opposite as someone else, they still own you

225 Reasons why I Believe the Earth is Flat PDF (filetransfer.io)

[–] 8 pts (edited )

I'm kinda disappoint on that one.

This is just a compilation of quotes and verses from the Bible, the Torah and the Talmud.

It doesn't provide empirical evidences that would make the FE model valid and credible. It mostly rejects the Heliocentric model and calculations calling them ridiculous.

But the cherry on top was to get the confirmation it was written by a jew: the very last word is at the end is "Shalom".

My jewdar was right.

[–] 3 pts

You were serious about the shalom part. I downloaded it just to see for myself. That's hilarious.

[–] 1 pt

If you look into the guy who wrote it, you wouldn't agree he's a jew.

He actually claims to be a "southern israelite" and often uses it tomake the claim he cannot be antisemetic. It's actually pretty damn clever.

You can believe whatever you want. Once you see the globe earth model is false, you will feel like an idiot. Happened to me.

Also, I will note that the Bible does in fact describe the earth as flat. God Himself describes it as such in Job 38:13-14

So if you think God's word is less meaningful than "emperical evidence" go right ahead and believe the babylonians.

[–] 1 pt

The flat earth model doesn't work with what @Gumbatron explained (I did try it on both north and southern hemispheres and they spin in opposite directions).

Being in Australia it is quite easy to determine that the earth is not flat. Just take a long exposure photo of the night sky, you will see it rotating about a point near the Southern Cross. As the night sky also appears to rotate about the Pole star in the Northern hemisphere, the only consistent conclusion is that the Earth is a globular shape that spins about its axis roughly every 24 hours.


[–] 6 pts (edited )

That faded glory guy posted a good one.

  1. Buy a cheap drone with a camera that broadcasts to your phone.
  2. Take it to a field with a good westerly view
  3. Wait until the sun is just completely down over the horizon.
  4. Send the drone up a few hundred feet.
  5. Voila! You can see the sun again. Watch the sun set a second time.
  6. Send the drone up a few hundred more feet.
  7. Bam, third sunset.

If the earth was flat, this would not be possible, because the sun would be below the edge of your imaginary firmament. The firmament would have to become transparent at the edges magically for you to see the sun from the drone, but this would leave it visible to you too on the firmament's ground. This is retarded magical thinking and impossible utter nonsense, of course.

But alas, because the earth is an oblate spheroid, you can do this trick because the higher perspective of the drone allows you to overcome more of the curvature of the earth and see the sunset again.

[–] 2 pts

Send the drone up a few hundred feet. Voila! You can see the sun again. Watch the sun set a second time.

It's obviously a trick of the evil White man!

[–] 1 pt

Now try and land an airplane on a surface that is spinning at over 1000mph's.

You can't. This is why earth is not a spinning ball.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Wow are you a stupid nigger.

Your argument is cartoonishly simple minded. You are essentially saying that if I move from one train car to another while the train is moving, I should immediately be crushed by the speeding train.

Yes, the gigantic earth is spinning at 1,000 mph, but the atmosphere is also spinning at relatively the same speed. There is no friction in space to slow the atmosphere to a different speed.

We're also rotating around the sun at over 60,000+ mph. Do you know why the atmosphere doesn't rip off the earth at 60,000 mph as well?

Were you not taught about the law of conservation of energy?

[–] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt

Did someone actually perform this experiment, or is it still just a theory? I once saw a video of a guy trying to prove that the earth was a sphere just by drawing stuff on his computer; it didn't prove shit but most of the comment were from people who were satisfied with this 'experiment'.

[–] 3 pts

if you insist on doing exactly the opposite as someone else, they still own you

225 Reasons why I Believe the Earth is Flat PDF (filetransfer.io)

I guess anticlutch owns you if you insist on doing the exact opposite of him.

(((fake))) and gaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

[–] 0 pt

I don't insist on doing the opposite of him. I agree with anticlutch on different things. Flat earth is not one of them.

Read the PDF and refute it, if you dare.

[–] 6 pts

Read the PDF and refute it, if you dare.

Like every FE believer I have ever encountered, you will not accept anything that goes counter the FE point of view as a valid argument or proof. The whole point of (((FE))) is to deny all other information and simultaneously not provide any information yourselves. The goal posts are always moved when a simple question cannot be answered by an FE believer and the name calling and derision amps up from there. I refuse to have any discussion with such types any longer because they cannot be changed just like the vaxxies cannot be changed. It's so very jewish in how it operates.

[–] 1 pt

Some scholars say the verse in the old testament, 'he sits on the circle of the earth ' actually translates to sphere

[–] 0 pt

Thank you now this hopefully can be put to rest but people should still not believe nasa.