Even after all that work to hide it being a kike, aging reveals the true kikess beneath the mask every single time. (rhinoplasty for the jew nose; blepharoplasty for the puffy jew eyebags; lifts; tucks; fillers; chin implant to hide the recessed, drooping jew "chin"; etc.)
How to recognize and Identify a Jew (by John Doe Goy) - Part 1 - Physical Features
Louis Allen Vaught - Vaught's Practical Character Reader (1902) https://poal.co/s/books/669845
Color scan -16mb - other formats https://archive.org/details/vaughtspractical00vaug Color/b&w scan mix - 8mb - other formats https://archive.org/details/vaughtspractica00vauggoog B&W scan - 12mb https://web.archive.org/web/20230928140646/http://iapsop.com/ssoc/1902__vaught___practical_character_reader.pdf
| https://pic8.co/sh/6SL9Dv.jpg | https://take-me-to.space/TYgdwi9D.jpeg
| https://poal.co/s/memes/556227 | https://pic8.co/sh/gFSuQ3.gif | https://ist6-4.filesor.com/pimpandhost.com/1/_/_/_/1/c/0/l/F/c0lFS/cGij.gif
kike facial analysis - identifying a potential kike - angel skull versus witch skull
| https://pic8.co/sh/ySUvGm.gif | https://www.imgbly.com/ib/QDlfEC9eZT.gif
| https://pic8.co/sh/ejFvBK.jpg | https://take-me-to.space/6YSCz6oY.jpg
| https://pic8.co/sh/XwC4wC.jpg | https://take-me-to.space/lsBXSREC.jpg
@AOU, uploaded the last image to the comment, but it only displays "embed" (or "plt5") instead of the image. Seems something is wrong, possibly with the image itself? Maybe it might be a webp (which is blocked on poal) masquerading as a jpg and if it is, that could be why it doesn't display?
>- https://pic8.co/sh/SB10OK.jpg | https://take-me-to.space/6uFAfvz.jpeg
EDIT: Corrected the last image by editing it to shave a pixel and get a new pic8 link for it so it would load properly.
How to recognize and Identify a Jew (by John Doe Goy) - Part 1 - Physical Features
Louis Allen Vaught - Vaught's Practical Character Reader (1902)
Color scan -16mb - other formats https://vid8.poal.co/uploads/AOU/files/vaughtspractical00vaug.pdf Color/b&w scan mix - 9mb - other formats https://vid8.poal.co/uploads/AOU/files/vaughtspractica00vauggoog.pdf B&W scan - 13mb https://vid8.poal.co/uploads/AOU/files/1902__vaught___practical_character_reader.pdf
Thanks for vid8 mirrors for those pdfs.
I'll just edit the image that has that error to trim it and re-save it to see if re-uploading it to the comment gives it a new pic8 link and display properly.
EDIT: Corrected the last image by editing it to shave a pixel and get a new pic8 link for it so it would load properly.
(post is archived)