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This goes to quite a large number of users on poal.

This goes to quite a large number of users on poal.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

He should have pointed out that white people have a higher IQ than niggers, and yet jews get mad when there are too many white people in power. He should have asked why jews get an IQ pass that allows them to be over-represented.

[–] 0 pt

Ask this kind of piece of shit if she's okay with blacks being underrepresented in all skilled jobs because their IQs are vastly lower than the average...watch her try to squirm out of that racism. "Those studies are not accurate!" And, "IQ is measured with a Western bias!"

It's great, you can then say that her IQ justification is bullshit, then, too. She will destroy her own argument for you.