While this video show the sad state of Europe, you are also 100% right.
I've met quite a few European Irish and majority had far left views and they hate other Europeans and Americans with passion, one even claimed that "Irish neutrality" makes them not European (as a positive thing).
I've also met quite a few Americans with Irish ancestry, completely different breed of people compared to European Irish I met. Looks like all the competent ones moved out to America, and all the weak ones remained in Ireland.
Free healthcare in Europe means that you will be on a waiting list for years, which basically forces you to go private, so free healthcare in Europe is one big fucking lie.
No, Europeans are not your "foreign enemies", don't push this White division kikery. Also I was talking about Irish being mostly far left oriented, not all Europeans.
The European leftist are the ones that hate America, European nationalist understand that we are all White people and should stick together and turn to each other.
You have to understand that those making fun of 9/11 online are probably jews or leftists whose minds have been kidnapped by jews, and are doing their little divide and conquer thing.
I remember when 9/11 happened, we were all shocked by it on the same level as you Americans, it was considered as a great tragedy and most people started hating muslims with passion after that. No one knew back then about kikes doing it. I often hear people say when they talk about 9/11 something along these lines 'muslims flying planes into our buildings and we are supposed to accept their refugees" even though they are Europeans.
Also you might think that Europeans hate you because of "gun culture' or something, while most Europeans who are not braindead leftist understand that you are the only armed group of White people that have a good chance of defending yourself from oppressive government.
Yeah, I lost a lot of respect for Ireland recently. The white Irish are the ones jerking off to globalists, and destroying their children's future.
(post is archived)