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We’re more than doomed. We’ve already lost. Rather thoroughly. You can’t even hint at what the truth is without losing absolutely everything. And if you are someone in power to hint at what the truth is you won’t even survive the week.

Does anyone really think that people like Tucker Carlson and Jim Jordan don’t know what’s going on? You really think they don’t? You really think governor DeSantis doesn’t know while he kisses their asses?

See, here’s the dirty secret. All of these people know what’s going on. Celebrities, athletes, politicians, reporters, all of these famous people who actually have a voice and Power that, for some reason, everyone thinks never goes on the Internet. Thinks they don’t read the comments. Thinks that they don’t read subversive websites, think that they don’t read about all of this stuff. They’ve seen everything that we’ve seen. Do you think they live in a bubble because they are powerful or famous or rich?

Do you think they don’t do that Google search in the middle of the night? Do you think they don’t exist in the same world we do? They know what’s going on. They absolutely know. They aren’t shielded from it just because they are rich powerful or famous, we don’t know what’s happening simply because we are middle-class and powerless. That’s not what led to us figuring out what’s going on. Having spent time around these people, they are so much more like us than you think.

That’s why most of these ridiculous gay conspiracies about celebrities participating in weird shit, 99% of it is complete horse fucking shit. They don’t live on Mars. Even the ones that are completely retarded, for the most part 99% of them pick up their kids from school and have interests and watch TV, hop on the Internet, read things they are “not supposed to“ and so on. They absolutely know.

They know what’s going on. And not one of them speaks up. Not one of them. There’s a reason why. The victory has been secured, was secured a long time ago, and no one has the guts to do a damn thing about it. No one.

[–] 3 pts

and no one has the guts to do a damn thing about it. No one.

Wrong. https://pic8.co/sh/8kk2fd.jpeg

[–] 0 pt

I was going to post that as well but it kind of makes his point. Mel was ostracized for a long time after what he did and he had to make a public apology.

[–] 0 pt (edited )


You want to be famous or rich or both?

There is a long line of people waiting for that.

You can not afford marketing campaigns, speech writers, book tours, album releases, speaking stages, movie production, whatever it may be.

One day your phone rings. It's a "talent agent", or a "producer".

"Hey kid we noticed you are getting a following and you are making a tiny bit of money in your art. How would you like to go big time, Tour with the greats, have your book in the window, speak at the biggest auditoriums. Lot's of money. Drug and sex parties with like minded people. It can all be yours. Just sign here. Just play ball. Go along with the plan. Do not notice you are being drowned in a bathtub and your race is being removed. And your DNA has already been harvested. Just go along with the plan. You can afford a tesla and a large house."

Ask Andy Kauffman what happened when he stopped going along with the plan and he tried to trick some jewish executives. He lost everything.