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This is gonna be good.

This is gonna be good.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

I have noticed some of the Boomer NPCs around me who were scared shitless of the virus and willing to do whatever the government required are finally starting to ask some questions, or at least be a little “puzzled.” One big thing causing this is the realization that the government is allowing hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated people carrying variants to cross the border without lifting a finger to stop it. The Boomers love this kind of gotcha “hypocrisy on display” and so it’s starting to click for them that they have been lied to all along. It’s a slow process, though. Still so much raw fear out there. The whipped Millennial nu-males are a lost cause. No way their wives let them change their minds now.

[–] 1 pt

My parents are boomers, and you are spot on in your description. They were so dorked up when I was a small child, that I was left to be raised by my WWII gen grandparents; and I thank God for that. When we saw those raised by the boomers having kids and initiating all of this participation ribbon bullshit, and all the self esteem shite, we knew that it would blow up in all of our faces, but no one back then, just like now, would listen. I see how millennials act, how their wives treat them, how the "men" are just weak, little bitches whom the wives seem to regard as nothing more than their eldest child at best, and I wonder how they will ever survive if a nation of real men ever arrive on our shores. I'm older now, so even if I die today, I know I had a good run, but my kids, and eventual grandkids will be the ones who really pay for the actions of the boomers. The sins of the fathers indeed.

"The whipped Millennial nu-males are a lost cause" This is the problem, they are indeed a lost cause, you can't even talk to these zombies.