> It is equally pathetic and larpy.
Calling something a larp is really just a way of
saying "I don't take this serious", or "these people
aren't serious enough."
Maybe its true. But big things start small. And usually
the absurdity of any effort is front-loaded. It's hard to see the potential in anything, but our enemies are *very* good at seeing it. Which is why they shut down anything early. We should look specifically at things they shut down *hard* as the path forward, because those are the efforts and work that need to be done, those are what threaten their power. That scares many people because many people are afraid of the same things happening to them. But if you *want* to win, you have to move past fear. Realize like a cold ass lake, you just gotta get over it and jump in without hesitation. That ultimately, if you don't represent and build an alternative system, then the outcome is going to be far worse than you can imagine, the direction of society is not going to be anything you like, you just wait if you want to see it for yourself.
You might find yourself asking at the beginning, when you're involved in *any* group, be it a job, or political, or some other effort "what the hell are we doing here anyway? This is going nowhere. This is stupid. This is crazy. This has no chance of working."
Maybe its all true. But in life, a lot of things fail, and a lot of times the reason things fail is completely outside your control and fully within the realm of hindsight.
One of the most important headspaces to be in is: know how serious to take things, don't get too serious than you need to be, but remember to be very serious when the situation or effort actually calls for it.
Its okay to be standoffish, and to maintain a certain distance and to recognize the absurdity in everyday life. The big thing is to not let it demoralize you or start to cause you to think that nothing can ever work. People get stuck in the idea of *if everything isn't just so*, if everything isn't **perfect**, then anything they endeavor to do is stupid, foolish, pathetic, or as you said, larpy.
The truth is the world is a larp.
Successful companies are a larp.
Even the military is a larp.
The most serious larp you'll ever experience.
Because you don't know until you've tried something.
And if you've never tried, and its your first time trying, then its a larp and you're larping. But if you larp long enough, eventually you get good. And then you gotta decide what to do with that, whether you're willing to commit to what you believe or not, whether you're gonna *get serious or go home.*
But you don't get there without pain, without passing through the pathetic larpy stages. The most successful people in the world, and throughout history, had to follow that same process. Their is no gain without ~~pain~~ larping. There is no legitimacy without absurd beginnings. Founders myths and stories paper-over this ridiculousness. George washington had wooden teeth. The american separation from britain started over a *tea tax*. Can you believe that shit? Sounds like something out of bizarro world. People are motivated by crazy stupid things. Small things. Details. Its why all the pushback now keeps returning to the *mask* issue, even though thats minor compared to lockdowns, business destruction, and vaccines.
Truth is, everything on the right seems to fail, including the 95% of efforts that are lawful, because the occupation recognizes these things and shuts them down, infiltrates, suppress, and destroys them at the larp stage, like pruning with a lawn mower.
But if you think "nothing can ever work, everything is cringe and pointless", then you've **already** been demoralized, because you've stopped trying, and simply accepted a lower standard. Accepted less safe communities. Accepted more infringement on your rights. Accepted less freedom of speech. Accepted more government overreach. Accepted the slow replacement of americans with foreigners.
Accepted everything they're pushing onto society while denying us representation and a say in the direction of our nation while taxing us to death.
I don't know about you.
But I will never stop trying to change that.
(post is archived)