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And if you think that this is fake news then read all about it. http://www.christianitydaily.com/articles/11153/20210313/california-proposes-new-ethnic-studies-curriculum-presenting-christianity-as-evil-and-teaching-pagan-worship-to-kids.htm

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 4y

I guarantee you live less than an hour out of a major city, in some suburbia that is realistically, just as kiked. Your children will be a minority their too.

I didn't see your edit before. Really angry at my positive living situation huh? A homogenous White society really kills you doesn't it?

[–] 1 pt 4y (edited 3y)

Really angry at my positive living situation huh?

I think its more like he disagrees with the approach, and believes moving toward a solution is a better solution than avoiding a problem.

It's a difference of opinion.

We need to move past this idea that only one approach can work and focus more on collaborating and supporting whatever our people are doing to succeed.

Because none of us can completely see the future, and it is going to take a mix of approaches to protect and grow any movement.

I want to see the northwest movement succeed.

I also want to see political movement that push against the illegitimate government.

I also want to see economic movements.

And social, and religious, and every other movement.

As long as its pro-white and mainly christian (though I'm not opposed to the pagans - they have their own disagreements and problems with Christianity). The point is always to get away from the idea of "this will never work, only my approach will work!", to stop looking for problems in other peoples plans or goals, and to start saying "this is why their goal WILL work. And how can I help make that happen? And how does that help other goals that are pro-white and pro-american?"

Our enemies encourage crab-bucket mentality. And we need to start spreading that meme every time we see someone engaging in it. Instantly isolates plants whos exclusively exist to create more problems than solutions. "Crab bucket!", thats all you gotta say. The plants of course will over-use it to exhaustion so anyone using it after a while will themselves be misidentified as a plant, but theres no helping that. The goal should always be, at the end of the day: foster participation, whatever that participation happens to look like. To tell people "Go for it! And I'll help anyway I can."

Maybe you even point out problems, risks, concerns to address and fix beforehand, but by the end of those conversations, they should be in a place where they're more prepared to succeed, and more importantly they're more encouraged to move forward, not less.

Whatever someones goals, as long as it doesn't hurt us or others: do it, get it done, make it so .

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[–] 1 pt 4y

Yeah, I have my approach. I believe in the separatist movement and segregation. You can try to create a small pocket of resistance in a blue state, or you can join a large one in the deep red. So I moved. People don't realize how different it is out here, that guy certainty doesn't.

Maybe Blowjay has some great plan that's better than mine, but all I heard was bitching. I heard the same thing from Clamhurt Legbeard on voat. Both mods of multiple subs, very active on the forums. Which tells me they probably aren't doing much "behind enemy lines" shit in the real world and just coming on here all day to escape/get their dopamine fix.

[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

The bitching is good, because when they have their dopamine cut off (and if we're lucky the state will overplay its hand), they'll take their bitching to the real world.

Agitation makes people in public who are too afraid to speak up, realize they're not alone, which is a valuable thing to have in a blue state. Creates all sorts of problems for officials who are then expected to react.

I believe in the separatist movement and segregation. You can try to create a small pocket of resistance in a blue state, or you can join a large one in the deep red. So I moved.

I'm glad you have a plan, have the follow through, and it seems to be working for you. That counts for something. I wish you luck, thats all I can do for you right now.

People don't realize how different it is out here, that guy certainty doesn't.

Myopia, among all the flaws people have, is the most common and forgiveable. People will be what they are, and you gotta learn to work with what and who you have instead of wishing it were different.

Godspeed Yearofthesear.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Where is it? Montana? Because I'd love to move there.

But let's be real, even your shitskin invasion is just around a corner.

Just going to keep moving like that fixes birthrates?

You don't give a fuck about whites surviving. You just give a fuck that you got yours, right my lolbert boomer?

[–] 0 pt 4y

I'm not telling you kike. And still projecting and making up red herrings. As if someone like you could know how someone like me thinks and feels.

Ha you know what, you're right stay the fuck in California, you belong there. We don't want you here.

[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

how someone like me thinks and feels.

You're so special and so deep. Not like all those other girls.