Incels did not become mainstream until Elliot Rodger in 2014, even then he was never an incel nor even liked them when he visited PUAHate. r/Incels was suspended off Reddit in November 2017 due to the fear of them becoming "radicalized" by some who were admiring Steven Paddock.
I do know about Alana Boltwood, she created the forum in the late 90's as a small fourm for others, men & women. The whole Incel thing became mainstream untill Elliot Rodger (2014) then Alek Minassian in 2018, then the Joker film blew everything way out of proportion in 2019 and even then the Incel Community didn't even care about the hollywood film until some SJWs wrote trailer reviews about how the Joker film is a gateway to Incel violence, then wrote more when their wet dreamed incel mass murder spree didn't occur.
Incels used it as a another meme same with Elliot Rodger who is only a ironic meme to incels. Most OG Incels do not even consider ER as an "incel" or an incel "Saint", only a overly memed out rich pretty boy with issues.
The true incel "Saint" to them is the Frenchman, Morgan Lahaey. aka Saint BlackOps2cel. I fucking hate that name. Seriously. Those fucking idiots ruined that guy's life to a point that he had to remove himself from the Internet to save his sanity.
The terms that we see today ( didn't really appear until late-2012 right around when Occupy Wall Street occured. I'm suspecting a more devious attempt at psychological warfare will appear later on to get rid or shutdown the WSB/$GME Stock crowd since demonizing them as "right-wing neo-nazis" isn't working.
Since you've mentioned about being a troll on Tumblr around 2007 - 2011, I'm wondering if you ever trolled anyone who were part of DashCon (2013) or when Tumblr decided to go to war with 4Chan for two hours?
No better way to deradicalize a group than to censor them from parts of the internet... wait a minute...
Apparently the SJW group r/IncelTear still fails to realize this consequence and have turned to serious illegal shit such as gathering CP off of Tor Network so that they're able to spam incel forums with and mass report the incel fourm as a "pedo" site.
Most of those idiots who are part of inceltear do not realize that most of the CP websites are honeypots created by Anonymous, Ghost Sec, other vigilante hackers, and the US gov.
Yeah, I don't spend much time on the dark web these days, but I have come across seedy (suggestive but non pornographic) images of children. They all seemed to be asking for payment and contact info if one were to try to obtain more of this type of content. Obvious honey pots, and I was glad to see them (not the images per se but the fact that these predatory fucks are being identified and taken down).
Morgan was Bosnian, and moved to France. He was known as StBlops2cel, which was part of my Voat name.
I will never stop praising Him. You wouldn't understand.
(post is archived)