July 15th, 1937: Buchenwald Concentration Camp opens but Jews were not rounded up for another year.
September 1st, 1939: Invasion of Poland, start of WW2, Hitler doesn't order the rounding up of Jews until 17 months later, in Poland.
November 8th, 1940: Germany has won the Western front and offers peace to the West and Britain. British government refuses under lobbyist pressure.
February 10th 1942, "The Final Solution": The Madagascar Plan - The initial plan was to deport the jews to Madagascar but with the defeat at the Battle of Britain, the merchant fleet was not able to be used for this purpose. The goal was to get the population of jews that had flooded Europe from Russia out of Europe. To eliminate the jews from Europe. They settled for relocating them back East into Poland and the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, the war against the Soviet Union has allowed us to dispose of new territories for the final solution. Consequently, the Fuhrer has decided to displace the Jews not towards Madagascar but towards the East. Thus, there is no longer any need to consider Madagascar for the final solution. - Franz Rademacher [Ministry of Foreign Affairs]
In 1942 "The Final Solution" was initiated where Jews were rounded up for "extermination". However, key documents went missing from Nuremberg that proved Hitler planned to postpone the "final solution" until after the war.
March 7, 1942, "The Final Solution": The Madagascar Plan - There are 11,000,000 Jews still in Europe. They will have to be concentrated later, to begin with, in the East; possibly an island, such as Madagascar, can be assigned to them after the war. - Joseph Goebbels [Joseph Goebbels' Diaries (pp. 115-116)]
Date | Source | Headline | Quote |
December 31st, 1937 | The Jewish Western Bulletin | "The number six million is often used to describe the Jewish population of Central and Eastern Europe." (by jews) | |
Feb 23rd, 1938 [Page 23] | New York Times | Jewish Teachers Chaded by Issacs | "A depressing picture of 6,000,000 Jews ... Slowly dying of Starvation, all hope is gone." |
January 9th, 1938 | New York Times [Page 12] | PERSECUTED JEWS SEEN ON INCREASE. 6,000,000 VICTIMS NOTED. | "[...] Five to six million in all are today the victims of governmental anti--Semitism [...]" |
February 23rd, 1938 | New York Times [Page 23] | "A depressing picture of 6,000,000 Jews in Central Europe deprived of protection or economic opportunities, slowly dying of starvation, all hope gone [...] Now anti-Semitism has spread to thirteen European nations, and threatens the very existence of millions of Jews." | |
April 1st, 1938 | The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh) [Page 15] | "I shall not comment upon the first except to remind you that six million Jews in Europe are struggling between life and death." | |
May 2nd, 1938 | New York Times | "The rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe today, which has deprived more than 6,000,000 Jews and non-Aryans of a birthright [...]" | |
October 6th, 1938 | Turtle Mountain Star, Rolla, North Dakota | "Five or six million Jews, uprooted by dictatorship and tossed about by economic storms, may have to depend upon the development of the Holy Land, under British mandate, as a solution to their difficulties. But they face the hostility of the Arabs living there, whose economic and religious interests conflict with theirs. [...] ...protects the settlers from the raiding Arabs. [...] The Arabs Are Coming! [...] The dreaded Mohammedan raiders have been sighted by a neighbor settler..." | |
November 22nd, 1938 | The Times | "Mass emigration of Jews to Palestine for two years and the formation of a Jewish national assembly was advocated by Sir John Haslam, M.P., in a message which he sent to a public meeting at the Kingsway Hall last night held by the New Zionist Organization. The message stated that the problem now involved some 6,000,000 Jews." | |
January 15th, 1939 | New York Times [Page 27] | "Rabbi Silver wanted assistance to Jewish emigration safeguarded so that European governments would realize that "it is impossible to evacuate 6,000,000 Jews."" (See September 1st, 1939) | |
January 27th, 1939 | The Canadian Jewish Chronicle | Palestine Only Solution! | "Only six million Jews remain at the moment safe. But they will have to carry the burden." |
February 14th, 1939 | The Palestine Post | "The fate of six million people was in balance [...]" | |
February 17th, 1939 | The Jewish Criterion [Page 20] | The fate of six million people is in the balance. | "[...] They supported their stand with a declaration that Jews never needed unrestricted immigration to Palestine as much as at present, with 6,000,000 Jewish refugees seeking a haven." |
February 22nd, 1939 | The Evening Independent [Page 1] | 6,000,000 Helpless. | "[...] there are six million Jews in Europe today fighting desperately against intolerance and despair. For them the support of the united appeal is crucial." |
March 3rd, 1939 | The Jewish Western Bulletin | Joint Distribution Committee Campaign | "SIX MILLION JEWS OVERSEAS FACING PERSECUTION, DISCRIMINATION AND ECONOMIC RUIN [...]" |
April 7th, 1939 | The Jewish Criterion [Page 4] | Not in Hitler's Hands, In Yours... The Fate Of Six Million European Jews | |
April 7th, 1939 | The Jewish Criterion [Page 33] | "[...] six million Jewish people who are in dire need today." | |
April 14th, 1939 | The Jewish Criterion [Page 4] | "Recent events in Central Europe have brought to 6,000,000 the total number of Jews in Central and Eastern European countries affected by anti-Semitic activities [...]" | |
April 14th, 1939 | The Jewish Criterion [Page 6] | "[...] whether our 6,000,000 fellow countrymen will live or die [...] "More than a million refugees, starving, tortured, fear-dazed, have been dragged from their homes, separated from their families, expelled from their countries. Five million more, await with horror the moment this misery will strike them [...]" | |
April 21st, 1939 | The Jewish Criterion [Page 15] | HAVE YOU DONE YOUR DUTY? THE UNITED JEWISH FUND NEEDS YOUR HELP FOR THE HELPLESS 6,000,000 IN EUROPE | "[...] the distress and suffering of 6,000,000 Jews in Europe. [...]" |
April 28th, 1939 | The Jewish Criterion [Page 3] | "[...] 6,000,000 fellow Jews who are in distress today." | |
May 5th, 1939 | The Jewish Criterion [Page 9] | "PLIGHT OF 6,000,000 [...] The 6,000,000 European Jews [...]" | |
May 12th, 1939 | The Jewish Criterion [Page 7] | "The year of 1939 is the year of the most critical struggle of 6,000,000 European Jews." | |
July, August 1939 | Contemporary Jewish Record, Volume 2 (Published by the American Jewish Committee) | "[...] the coming ward would be the annihilation of the six million Jews in East and Central Europe." | |
October 13th, 1939 | The Jewish Criterion [Page 2] | "[...] the coming ward would be the annihilation of the six million Jews in East and Central Europe." | |
November 28th, 1939 | The Southern Israelite | "[...] the coming ward would be the annihilation of the six million Jews in East and Central Europe." | |
May 3rd, 1940 | The Southern Israelite | Almost six million Jews find themselves on the brink of starvation and extermination. | "Their only hope is the help which the Jews of America can extend to them. The success of the United Jewish Appeal will determine their fate." |
June 25th, 1940 | New York Times [Page 4] | "Six million Jews in Europe are doomed to destruction, if the victory of Nazis should be final. [...] The chances for mass emigration and resettlement of European Jewry seems to be remote, and European Jews face the danger of physical annihilation. Even the 4,000,000 Jews under Soviet rule, although free from racial discrimination, are not safe in the event of a final Nazi victory." (4 million under soviet rule + 6 million under threat from Hitler = 10 million? There were 6 million in Russia when this started... What about immigrants to Palestine, Europe and the US?) | |
July 1st, 1940 | The Palestine Post [Page 6] | "Nor must we despair that six million Jews will forever lose trace of their historic heritage." | |
November 15th, 1940 | The Jewish Criterion | J.N.F. to Raise $6,000,000 for Palestine During Coming Year. | "[...] the Jewish National Fund of America voted to raise $6,000,000 for the holy land's war needs during the coming year." |
October 2nd, 1941 | New York Times | "[...] as to avoid the likelihood of another holocaust." | |
November 28th, 1941 | The Jewish Criterion | "6,000,000 Jews in Europe Look to America for Aid, Says Warburg (criminal banker who helped start the plight in Russia). Fully six million Jews in Europe [...]" | |
Volume 7, 1942 | The Jewish Spectator [Page 53] | "Now, too, the unspeakable tragedy of almost six million Jews under nazi domination is not considered sufficiently important to be discussed." | |
June 25th, 1942 | The Daily Telegraph (British) | Germans Murder 700,000 Jews In Poland | Accused the Germans of gassing "700,000 Polish Jews" |
March 1943: Prisoners held in the American death camps were designated Disarmed Enemy Forces not POWs. This allowed them to keep these prisoners, torture them, starve them and murder them. They prevented charities and Red Cross from interfering. This was a violation of the Hague Convention Land War Rules and Geneva Conventions (of which the allies except Russia all signed).
30 April 1945: Hitler disappears. It was claimed as a suicide but the remains failed testing.
Date | Source | Headline | Quote |
December 13th, 1942 | New York Times [Page 21] | "Rabbi Israel Goldstein in Temple B'nai Jeshurun, Eighty-eighth Street, near Broadway, declared: "Authenticated reports point to 2,000,000 Jews who have already been slain by all manner of satanic barbarism, and plans for the total extermination of all Jews upon whom the Nazis can lay their hands. The slaughter of a third of the Jewish population in Hitler's domain and the threatened slaughter of all is a holocaust without parallel." | |
December 19th, 1942 | The Courier-Mail (Brisbane) | GERMAN HORROR CRIMES; ALLIES PROMISE JUSTICE. | "Statements issued simultaneously in London, Washington and Moscow, told at German barbarity and of proof of the Nazi determination to exterminate Jews. [...] Hitler's decision to exterminate the Jews [...] It is estimated that there are between five and six million Jews in Occupied Europe [...] Nazi Slaughter House. [...] Hitler's oft-repeated intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe." |
December 23rd, 1942 | Barrier Miner (Australia) | Mr. Silverman suggested that Australia and Canada could each absorb 6,000,000 Jews. | "[...] MOST ARE DOOMED [...] The Jewish Congress declares that 2,000,000 Jews have been exterminated so far." |
1943 | The Massacre of a People: What the Democracies Can Do | "The following article is an except from "Let My People Go," a pamphlet written on Christmas Day, 1942, in London. [...] Of the six million Jews or so who were living at the outbreak of the war in what is at present Nazi-occupied Europe, a high proportion -between one and two million- have been deliberately murdered by the Nazis and their satellites. [...] Unless something effective is done, within a very few months these six million Jews will all be dead [...]" | |
1943 | American Zionist Emergency Council (from 1970 known as the American Zionist Movement) - "Palestine" - Volumes 1-5 | "Jewish civilian casualties will be close to six million [...]" | |
1943 | Debates: House of Commons, official report, volume 5, Canada | "I should like to read a bit from a pamphlet entitled "Let My People Go," written by Victor Gollancz: Of the 6,000,000 Jews or so who were living at the outbreak of the war in what is at present nazi-occupied Europe, a high proportion -say between one and two million- have been deliberately murdered by the nazis and their satellites. [...] within a very few months these six million Jews will all be dead [...]" | |
1943 | ontemporary Jewish Record, Volume 6 (Published by the American Jewish Committee) | Suddenly, during the summer of 1942, world public opinion was shocked out of its lethargy by the realization that the Nazis had decreed the complete extinction of six million Jews and that a third of the victims had already perished. | |
January 25th, 1943 | The Canberra Times | "[...] Jews are being subjected as part of Hitler's plan to exterminate six million Jews in occupied Europe." | |
January 25th, 1943 | The (London) Times | "They note further that the extermination already carried out is part of the Carrying into effect of Hitler's oft-repeated intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe, which means in effect the extermination of some 6,000,000 persons in the territories over which Hitler's rule has been extended." | |
February 1943 | Reader's Digest [Page 108] | "Of these 6,000,000 Jews almost a third have already been massacred by Germans, Rumanians and Hungarians, and the most conservative of the scorekeepers estimate that before the war ends at least another third will have been done to death." | |
March 2nd, 1943 | New York Times | "[...] appalling is the fact that those who proclaim the Four Freedoms have so far done very little to secure even the freedom to live for 6,000,000 of their Jewish fellow men by readiness to rescue those who might still escape Nazi torture and butchery." | |
May 15th, 1943 | The Advertiser (Adelaide, Australia) | "[...] the possibility of the complete wiping out of six million Jews if something is not immediately done to secure a harbor of refuge." | |
August 27th, 1943 | Toledo Blade | "3,000,000 Jews Left In Europe - 5,300,000 Reported To Have Perished. Europe's Jewish population has been reduced from 8,300,000 to 3,000,000 during the 10 years the Nazis have been in power, says the Institute of Jewish Affairs." (The supposed gas chambers have only been up for less than a year. What about the USSR?) |
Date | Source | Headline | Quote |
January 23rd, 1944 | The Palestine Post | "Only a handful of Polish Jews survived the extermination. They were now either with the partisans in the forests or living as Crypto-Jews. The death toll was six million, they declared." (israel is now theirs according to the Talmud. Religious and Economic persutes are relished.) | |
May 15th, 1944 | Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weissmandl | "And you - our brothers in Palestine, in all the countries of freedom, and you, ministers of all the kingdom - how do you keep silent in the face of this great murder? Silent while thousand on thousands, reaching now to six million Jews, were murdered. And silent now while tens of thousands are still being murdered and waiting to be murdered? Their destroyed hearts cry to you for help as they bewail your cruelty. Brutal you are and murderers too you are, because of the cold-bloodedness of the silence in which you watch." (See August 25, 1933) | |
May 31st, 1944 | Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weissmandel | "[...] heads of government and radio must announce what was done to our people in the slaughter house of Belzec, Malkinia (Treblinka), Sobibor, and Auschwitz. Till now six times a million Jews from Europe and Russia have been destroyed." | |
September 25th-29th, 1944 | United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America Convention Proceedings | "WHEREAS: History records no parallel to the bestial cruelties inflicted on the Jewish people of Europe by the Nazis and their satellites, whose coldly calculated program of extermination of all European Jews very nearly succeeded, almost six million Jews having been murdered in cold blood [...]" | |
October 1944 | Chicago Bar Record | "There were then at least eight million virtually homeless Jews in Europe who acquired rights under this treaty. Happily, perhaps, for the Arabs, that number has been cut down by six million." (See Palestinian genocide) | |
October 2nd, 1944 | Proceedings of the Annual Convention, Vols. 62-66. Illinois State Federation of Labor | "WHEREAS, Six million Jews were murdered by the Nazi henchmen during the time the Nazis kept Europe under their bloody heel [...]" | |
November 27th, 1944 | Youngstown Vindicator (Ohio) | "A five-volume "black book" containing a documentary record of the German massacre of approximately 6,000,000 European Jews is being prepared by the state publishing house." (There's no chance of it being 5,999,999? Don't bother counting because there's a holy text with the correct number in it.) | |
November 28th, 1944 | The Pittsburgh Press [Page 5] | Six Million Jews Listed Slaughtered. | "A five-volume "black book" containing a documentary record of the German massacre of approximately six million European Jews was being prepared today by the State publishing house. [...] The work was under the general editorship of Ilya Ehrenburg and the editorial board included Poet-Playwright Konstantin Simonov, Writer Vsevold [Vsevolod] Ivanov and Poetess Vera Imber." |
November 28th, 1944 | The Leader | "Russian "Black Book" lists German crimes. | The first volume of a five-volume Russian "black book" recording the documentary form of the German massacre of approximately 6,000,000 European Jews has been completed by the Soviet state publishing house [...] The five-volume work is under the general editorship of Ilya Ehrenburg, noted Soviet writer and war correspondent, with an editorial board that includes poet-playwright Kanstantin [Konstantin] Simonov, writer Vsevold [Vsevolod] Ivanov and poetess Vera Imber. Editors of the work -which will be published in both Russian and English in press runs of hundreds of thousands of copies- estimate from data now available that the Germans killed between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 Jews in Russia, Poland and western Europe. They believe an additional 500,000 now are being murdered in Hungary." (Wasn't there a holocaust of the jews in Russia? Strange that they are now working with the land that forsake them.) |
November 28th, 1944 | The Palestine Post | SIX MILLIONS MURDERED. | The Soviet State Publishing House is preparing the publication of another "Black Book," a documentary record of the German massacre of approximately six million European Jews. [...] According to the Soviet editors, the Germans killed between five and six million Russian, Polish and Western European Jews, and an additional half million are being murdered in Hungary now. |
December 1st, 1944 | The Jewish Criterion | "[...] 5,500,000 Jews have been killed in Germany and German-occupied territories since the outbreak of the war. [...] Yes, the Germans murdered close to six million Jews [...]" | |
December 8th, 1944 | Jewish Western Bulletin | "[...] apart from Jewish losses in combat service, 5,500,000 Jews have been killed in Germany and German-occupied tesritories [territories] since the outbreak of the awr [war]. These figures exceed the number anticipated even by the most pessimistic. [...] Yes, the Germans murdered close to six million Jews [...]" | |
December 22nd, 1944 | Soviet War News | "In the regions they seized, Germans killed all Jews, from the old folks to infants in arms. Ask any German prisoners why his fellow countrymen annihilated six million innocent people [...]" | |
January 8th, 1945 | New York Times | 6,000,000 JEWS DEAD. | The Jewish population in Europe has been reduced from 9,500,000 in 1939 to 3,500,000. Of the 6,000,000 European Jews who have died, 5,000,000 had lived in the countries under Hitler's occupation. (See August 27th, 1943: It was allegedly 8.3 million 2 years earlier. With all the emigration to the US, Palestine and apparently the USSR, where did the extra 1.2 million come from?) |
February 11th, 1945 | New York Times [Page 10] | "1,200,000 Jews survived of the 6,000,000 who had been under German rule during the war, and that most of them were eager to come to Palestine." (See December 22nd, 1944: 'Germans killed all Jews, from the old folks to infants in arms' See January 8th, 1945: 3.5 million survived or 1.2 million?) | |
February 17th, 1945 | New York Times | "Dr. Joseph Schwartz, European director of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, estimated today that 500,000 of Europe's 6,000,000 Jews had escaped destruction by emigration and that only 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 of Europe's 6,000,000 Jews were now left on the Continent." | |
March 22nd, 1945 | Joseph Thon, president of the National Organization of Polish Jews in America | "I accuse the whole German people that in the years 1939 to 1945 they slaughtered upward of 15,000,000 men, among which there were 6,000,000 Jews. [...] The German people murdered, in cold blood, in excess of 6,000,000 European Jews, among them over 3,000,000 Polish Jews." (Poland is officially Jew-free since numbers on google add up to 2,452,565 jews in Poland in 1939. We're expected to believe that from 1921-39 the population went from 1.5 million to 3.3 milion. With a war on two fronts, they managed to get every last Jew and maybe more than there were.) | |
March 27th, 1945 | The Advertiser | "[...] the Germans tortured the last handful of Jews. The Germans killed six million Jews -all the Jews of Poland, Hungary, the Ukraine, Lithuania, Byelo-Russia, West Europe and of course Germany." | |
April 11th, 1945 | Army News (Darwin, Australia) | NAZIS HAVE MURDERED SIX MILLION JEWS. | "Of a population of 16 million Jews in the world before the war, more than six million had been murdered by the Nazis." (See June 6, 1915: 1 half = 6 million, 2 halves = 12 milion) |
May 2nd, 1945 | New York Times | "[...] estimated that only 1,000,000 of 6,000,000 Jews in Europe in 1939 were still alive." (6-1=5) | |
May 13th, 1945 | The Pittsburgh Press | "Nazis Destroy six million Jews. [...] Of the eight million Jews living in Germany and German occupied countries before the war, 6,200,000 have died from either execution, cruel treatment or starvation, according to latest figures compiled by Jewish welfare organisations here." | |
May 20th, 1945 | New York Times [Page 7] | "[...] seemingly endless streams of former "slaves" from all parts of Europe and by the huge cantonments of liberated victims of Nazism. More than six million of them have been liberated [...]" | |
August 14th, 1945 | The Times (London) | "[...] some 6,000,000 men, women, and children - were put to death by the Nazis and their satellites." | |
September 6th, 1945 | The Canberra Times | SIX MILLION JEWS KILLED BY GERMANS. | "Throughout the war the Germans killed 6,000,000 Jews, the number left in Europe being approximately 1,600,000 [...] most surviving Jews desired to emigrate to Palestine. The agency plans to send six groups of six men each to help Jews in German camps. [...] It is planned to erect a monument on the summit of Mount Scopus to commemorate the Jews who died. It will bear the names of all the 6,000,000, including soldiers, partisans and ghetto fighters. All the Jewish cultural documents and religious objects left in Central and Eastern Europe are to be collected in Palestine." |
October 10th, 1945 | The Chester Times | "It was our very unhappy conviction all along that the responsibility for extinction of six million Jews in Europe was not Hitler's alone. The entire Christian world shares that responsibility." |
(post is archived)