Victims of the corrupt legal system in Europe. You'll get free speech back when you use it properly. (
Attorney Sylvia Stolz
Attorney Sylvia Stolz made it her mission to show up the Government of Germany, called the Bundesrepublik (BRD in short) as a vassal state of Israel.
Background and contribution
Ms. Stolz used the courtroom and the trial of Ernst Z?ndel as a platform to get media attention for her charge that the judicial system in Germany is a tool of foreign domination and does not serve the interests of the German people. She was forcibly removed from the courtroom. Shortly thereafter, German prosecutors charged her with abuse of court proceedings, accusing her of denying the Holocaust herself and intentionally prolonging the trial by submitting evidentiary documents on behalf of her client, even though the "Holocaust" is offenkundig, meaning "obvious" or "self-evident". The trial collapsed after Ms. Stolz was banned from the proceedings on the grounds that she was trying to sabotage the trial. Proceedings later resumed without her, and she knew she would be victimized for her courageous stand. Shortly thereafter, Mannheim prosecutors charged Ms. Stolz with what is known as the "Holocaust Protection Paragraph", (Paragraph 130) and after a separate trial, she was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison. Her licence to practice law was revoked for 5 years.
Attorney Horst Mahler
Often described as a "notorious far-right attorney" who called the Holocaust a lie and accused the German legal system as politically corrupt is again before the court on charges of incitement under Paragraph 130.
Background and contribution:
Mahler was not originally part of the Revisionist scene. He became interested in the Holocaust controversy from a Revisionist point of view after he took on the defense of ethnic singer Frank Rennike. In recent years he has frequently appeared in court for his beliefs and doubts, including events surrounding 9/11. He is currently serving a 12 (!) year sentence for denying "the Holocaust".
Dr. Fredrick Toben
Though German in origin, Dr. Fredrick Toben was raised in Australia as an Australian citizen, and speaks both English and German. Becoming interested in exonerating the German people from the anti-German racism of the Holocaust legend, he at first edited a revisionist journal called Truth Missions, which was later renamed Adelaide Institute Newsletter. He then broadened out to establish Australia's revisionist website, Adelaide Institute. He has personally visited the site of Auschwitz and burrowed under the ruins of the alleged gas chamber, being unable to find the four holes in the roof which were supposedly used to throw in gas pellets. He conducted regular dialogue with Exterminationists, and did not expect to be arrested when he visited Prosecutor Klein in Mannheim, Germany, for a private discussion on the Holocaust laws in Germany, which make it mandatory to accept the entire Holocaust story.
Nevertheless, he was arrested by Klein and police chief Mohr in Mannheim, Germany, in April, 1999, and was awaiting trial for being a "holocaust denier" for seven months. He then was tried and sentenced to ten months imprisonment, but released from prison while awaiting his appeal. He left Germany and did not return for his appeal trial. Recently prosecuted and jailed in Australia for publicly denying "the Holocaust".
Paul Rassinier
Barred from entering Germany for trying to give testimony for the defense in political trials.
Background and contribution:
Born in 1906, Rassinier, a school teacher, is seen as the Father of modern European Revisionism. A French resistance fighter and friend of the Jews, he was imprisoned by the Germans for his illegal activities in Buchenwald and Camp Dora where he worked in the underground rocket factories. He was elected after the war as a member of the French National Assembly for the Socialist Party. Rassinier nonetheless wrote groundbreaking Revisionist books.
Dr. Robert Faurisson
At least 10 times physically assaulted by Holocaust Enforcers; on several occasions nearly killed. Jaws broken. Teeth knocked out. Hospitalized for weeks. Persecuted mercilessly in endless legal battles.
Background and contribution:
Known as the "Dean of the world-wide Revisionist movement" and principal teacher of Ernst Zündel, Dr. Faurisson first discovered the technical and architectural drawings of the Auschwitz morgues, the crematories and other installations. He was also the first to insist that only a U.S. gas chamber expert could unravel the technical impossibility of the Auschwitz homicidal gassing story - as falsely told to the public for over half a century. Zündel mentor, advisor and trial witness in the 1984 preliminary hearings and in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials. Slated as expert witness for the 1991 Munich trial of Ernst Zündel. (The prosecution dropped the Anne Frank Diary part of the charge in mid-trial after they learned that Dr. Faurisson was going to testify to that point.)
Thies Christophersen
Forced to flee from country to country. Hounded to death after numerous acid attacks, arson, and attempts on his life and property.
Background and contribution:
As a German agrarian expert, Christophersen was stationed at Auschwitz in the critical period 1943-44. As a German expert, he had access to the entire camp. He took valuable photographs at the time. He was the first Revisionist eyewitness to come forward stating categorically that there were no gas chambers for killing humans in Auschwitz. He wrote the famous booklet, "Die Auschwitz-Lüge", (The Auschwitz Lie) translated into many languages. Zündel witness in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials.
Judge Wilhelm Stäglich
Was tried and convicted in post-war German courts. Had his doctorate stripped from him and his pension cut for speaking out.
Background and contribution:
Judge Stäglich, stationed during WWII in the Auschwitz area with an anti-aircraft unit, published a groundbreaking book "Der Auschwitz Mythos" (The Auschwitz Myth) - seized, forbidden and destroyed by West German court order.
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