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10 February 2015: Reverend Stephen Sizer, Priest banned from using social media sites for six months after posting 'anti-Semitic' comments claiming Israel was behind 9/11


2015: Vincent Reynouard, sentenced 2 years in prison for seeking the truth.


1960: General Martin Unrein, was harrassed and his employers were asked to dismiss him for claiming there were no gas chambers at Dachau. He was proven right.


1999: Jean Plantin, was arrested, and his personal archives seized. A slander campaign was initiated against him by both the mainstream and leftist press.


Almost immediately, Jewish and left-wing organizations began demanding that his degrees be rescinded, and the professors who supervised them censured

1950: Paul Rassinier, A pacifist who told the truth about the camps he was at was sued and slandered by various organizations.


He also describes his visits to Dachau and Mauthausen, noting that in both places, he got contradictory stories on how the gas chambers were supposed to have worked, and for the first time expresses his doubts on the existence of gas chambers and a Nazi policy of extermination. Rassinier claims that effective resistance was found only among the Russian prisoners, and that many brutalities in the camp were committed not by the S.S., but by the mainly Communist prisoners who took over the Haftlingsfuhrung and ran the internal affairs of the camps for their own benefit. Rassinier blamed the high death rate at the two camps he saw on their corruption.

2010: Bishop Richard Williamson, was fined 12,000 euros for disagreeing with the official story.



1948: Maurice Bardeche, was sentenced to a year in prison in 1948 for writing a criticism of the Nuremberg showtrials.


1978: Robert Faurisson, was sentenced to 3 months in prison for writing books and doing TV interviews about the validity of the gas chambers.


1993-2009: Germar Rudolf, a German chemist who was imprisoned for doing forensic investigations.



My home was raided three times by the police and all computers, files, research papers, books I authored, and correspondence confiscated. Under massive pressure by media and Jewish lobby groups, my employer had to dismiss me. Two landlords kicked me out of my apartment without notice as a result of media smear campaigns.

It is astounding that this my letter, which Shamir received and published online, made its way out of the German prison in the first place. Usually, letters from political prisoners with such highly charged, political content get confiscated by the prison censors, but since it was written in English, and because the German authorities are notoriously short of staff capable of reading foreign languages, my foreign language correspondence (English, French, Spanish seems to have never been censored by anyone.

1998: Wolfgang Frohlich, certified engineer, takes the stand as a defense witness in the trial of Holocaust researcher Jurgen Graf. Frohlich said that he was not a historian, so was unable to give an opinion as to the historical parts of the book. He then said that the technical aspects of the gassings, as alleged in the official narrative, were untenable, from a scientific point of view. Jurgen Graf was sentenced to 15 months in prison for writing books. His 80-year old wheelchair-bound publisher, Gerhard Forster, was sentenced to 12 months, and died four weeks after the sentence was announced. The witness, Wolfgang Frohlich, would go on to serve six and a half years.




http://vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres4/JGconseq.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20170125014846/http://vho.org/dl/ENG/Giant.pdf



1999: Walter Schreiber, Worked with Huta Corporation as a civil engineer and specifically worked on Auschwitz. Based on the technical requirements for the operation of a gas chamber, which only became known to me later, the building erected by us would have been entirely unsuitable for this purpose with regard to the necessary machinery and the practical operation.


October 7, 2005: Georges M. Theil, Wrote about fascism in Europe (France and the holocaust. Has been served multiple sentences and fines for writing books and doing interviews.



2005-06: David Irving, Was arrested in Austria for writing books. He was sentenced to 3 years and served 13 months.

[He was arrested for the pontential that he might say something unwelcome. He didn't actually say anything.] - Christopher Hitchens


Vincent Reynouard: 2010-2014: Imprisoned and fined for writing books in France.



2014: Ursula Haverbeck, fights for the right of Germans to speak out and be free in their own country to re-evaluate their past and see that they are not monsters and should not be punished for crimes they didn't commit. Again. ... on the eigth of October, 1993, in the open view of all citizens, that the old memorial tablet with its "four million murdered" was taken down and replaced with a new tablet with only about one and a half million ...



Victims of the corrupt legal system in Europe. You'll get free speech back when you use it properly. (en.wikipedia.org)

10 February 2015: Reverend Stephen Sizer, Priest banned from using social media sites for six months after posting 'anti-Semitic' comments claiming Israel was behind 9/11 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2946831/Priest-banned-using-social-media-sites-six-months-posting-anti-Semitic-comments-claiming-Israel-9-11.html ---- 2015: Vincent Reynouard, sentenced 2 years in prison for seeking the truth. https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9267 ---- 1960: General Martin Unrein, was harrassed and his employers were asked to dismiss him for claiming there were no gas chambers at Dachau. He was proven right. https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?p=68378 ---- 1999: Jean Plantin, was arrested, and his personal archives seized. A slander campaign was initiated against him by both the mainstream and leftist press. https://web.archive.org/web/20160712061031/http://www.vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres6/PlantinRassie.pdf Almost immediately, Jewish and left-wing organizations began demanding that his degrees be rescinded, and the professors who supervised them censured ---- 1950: Paul Rassinier, A pacifist who told the truth about the camps he was at was sued and slandered by various organizations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Rassinier He also describes his visits to Dachau and Mauthausen, noting that in both places, he got contradictory stories on how the gas chambers were supposed to have worked, and for the first time expresses his doubts on the existence of gas chambers and a Nazi policy of extermination. Rassinier claims that effective resistance was found only among the Russian prisoners, and that many brutalities in the camp were committed not by the S.S., but by the mainly Communist prisoners who took over the Haftlingsfuhrung and ran the internal affairs of the camps for their own benefit. Rassinier blamed the high death rate at the two camps he saw on their corruption. ---- 2010: Bishop Richard Williamson, was fined 12,000 euros for disagreeing with the official story. https://web.archive.org/web/20180926203213/https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/faith/holocaust-denial-costs-bishop-16310000-1947225.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Williamson_%28bishop%29#Criminal_investigation_in_Germany ---- 1948: Maurice Bardeche, was sentenced to a year in prison in 1948 for writing a criticism of the Nuremberg showtrials. https://web.archive.org/web/20170109184643/http://www.vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres7/BARDECHEnureng.pdf ---- 1978: Robert Faurisson, was sentenced to 3 months in prison for writing books and doing TV interviews about the validity of the gas chambers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faurisson_affair#Faurisson.27s_letters_to_Le_Monde ---- 1993-2009: Germar Rudolf, a German chemist who was imprisoned for doing forensic investigations. https://web.archive.org/web/20150725084551/http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com/persecutionofgermarrudolf.htm https://web.archive.org/web/20150323175837/http://germarrudolf.com/2012/03/over-my-dead-body/ My home was raided three times by the police and all computers, files, research papers, books I authored, and correspondence confiscated. Under massive pressure by media and Jewish lobby groups, my employer had to dismiss me. Two landlords kicked me out of my apartment without notice as a result of media smear campaigns. It is astounding that this my letter, which Shamir received and published online, made its way out of the German prison in the first place. Usually, letters from political prisoners with such highly charged, political content get confiscated by the prison censors, but since it was written in English, and because the German authorities are notoriously short of staff capable of reading foreign languages, my foreign language correspondence (English, French, Spanish seems to have never been censored by anyone. ---- 1998: Wolfgang Frohlich, certified engineer, takes the stand as a defense witness in the trial of Holocaust researcher Jurgen Graf. Frohlich said that he was not a historian, so was unable to give an opinion as to the historical parts of the book. He then said that the technical aspects of the gassings, as alleged in the official narrative, were untenable, from a scientific point of view. Jurgen Graf was sentenced to 15 months in prison for writing books. His 80-year old wheelchair-bound publisher, Gerhard Forster, was sentenced to 12 months, and died four weeks after the sentence was announced. The witness, Wolfgang Frohlich, would go on to serve six and a half years. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v17/v17n4p-2.html http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v19/v19n2p58_Swiss.html https://web.archive.org/web/20151024105233/http://theendofzion.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/holocaust-or-hoax-jurgen-graf.pdf ~~http://vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres4/JGconseq.pdf~~ https://web.archive.org/web/20170125014846/http://vho.org/dl/ENG/Giant.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20170125014910/http://vho.org/dl/ENG/ccm.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20170114214810/http://vho.org/dl/ENG/t.pdf ---- 1999: Walter Schreiber, Worked with Huta Corporation as a civil engineer and specifically worked on Auschwitz. Based on the technical requirements for the operation of a gas chamber, which only became known to me later, the building erected by us would have been entirely unsuitable for this purpose with regard to the necessary machinery and the practical operation. https://web.archive.org/web/20110603152554/http://vho.org/tr/2004/3/Rademacher296-297.html ---- October 7, 2005: Georges M. Theil, Wrote about fascism in Europe (France and the holocaust. Has been served multiple sentences and fines for writing books and doing interviews. ~~https://ia601408.us.archive.org/13/items/HeresyInTwenty-firstCenturyFranceACaseOfInsubmissionToTheholocaust/Theileng.pdf~~ https://codoh.com/library/document/86/ ---- 2005-06: David Irving, Was arrested in Austria for writing books. He was sentenced to 3 years and served 13 months. [He was arrested for the pontential that he might say something unwelcome. He didn't actually say anything.] - Christopher Hitchens http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_trial ---- Vincent Reynouard: 2010-2014: Imprisoned and fined for writing books in France. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Reynouard http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr/Six-mois-de-prison-ferme-requis-contre-Vincent-Reynouard-dans-l-affaire-Charlie-Hebdo-28623.html ---- 2014: Ursula Haverbeck, fights for the right of Germans to speak out and be free in their own country to re-evaluate their past and see that they are not monsters and should not be punished for crimes they didn't commit. Again. ... on the eigth of October, 1993, in the open view of all citizens, that the old memorial tablet with its "four million murdered" was taken down and replaced with a new tablet with only about one and a half million ... http://robertfaurisson.blogspot.be/2014/12/a-great-german-lady-opens-black-box-of.html http://ursula-haverbeck.info/ ---- **[Victims of the corrupt legal system in Europe. You'll get free speech back when you use it properly.](https://web.archive.org/web/20160704175035/http://www.zundelsite.org/archive/victims/victims_of_zion.html)** ----

(post is archived)


Walter Lüftl

President of Austrian Chamber of Engineers relieved from his elected post after questioning Gas Chambers story on enginering grounds

Background and contribution:

Lüftl was elected to represent 4000 austrian Architects and Construction engineers and was for years a court approved expert witness in cases involving engineering matters. Simon Wiesenthal and his friends in the media agitated, till the highly respected head of his own engineering firm was dismissed from his post. He had circulated privately what has since been published as the Lüftl Report in which he questions the Gassing story on technical grounds.

Imre Finta

Victimized by the media and financially totally ruined by civil law suits mismanaged by his first lawyers. Criminally charged and prosecuted as a "war criminal" in Canada.

Background and contribution:

A retired Hungarian police captain, Finta was accused by Sabina Citron and others for allegedly persecuting Jews in Hungary during the war. After lengthy legal battles, he was ultimately acquitted by unanimous jury verdict when Ernst Zündel's attorneys, Doug Christie and Barbara Kulaszka, took over his defense and won his victory in court. The jurors obviously did not believe the many Israeli and Jewish eye-witnesses!

General Otto Ernst Remer

Tried and convicted to more than one year imprisonment, even though he was over 80 years old and in ill health.

Background and contribution:

A German war hero who successfully thwarted the military putsch by German traitors against Hitler in Berlin on 20 July 1944, Remer seized the political opportunity brought about by the revelations of the Leuchter Report. He made the findings known to millions of people by privately publishing "Die Remer Depesche", a mass circulation tabloid style newspaper. The German vassal regime came down hard on the old soldier. He was tried and convicted to prison. He went into exile in Spain, wheelchair-bound, where he died. His widow now has to fight for her pension. She refuses to return his ashes to Germany until such time when her husband's remains can be returned under honorable circumstances.

Jerome Brentar

His reputation tarnished and his company boycotted, Brentar lost his livelihood for saving a man from the noose.

Background and contribution:

This Croation-American trained social worker and Christian activist has helped every falsely accused "war criminal" - from Frank Walus to Dr. Arthur Rudolf to Mr. Bartesch. He was of immense help to John Demjanjuk. Due to the tireless work of this saintly man, Walus and Demjanjuk won their cases in the end. Brentar spent almost $500,000 of his own funds to help pay for the lawyers' fees, translators, flights, hotel accommodations, meals, and witness fees. He lost his once thriving Travel Agency because of the vicious publicity engendered, and now lives at the edge of poverty in forced retirement on his social security pension. Zündel researcher, advisor and witness in the 1985 Great Holocaust Trial.

John Demjanjuk

Extradited, charged, tried, convicted and sentenced to death by hanging. Spent many years in prison.

Background and contribution:

Demjanjuk was a Ukrainian autoworker and former camp guard whose grotesque case saw him extradited to Israel from the USA for trial. Convicted to death by hanging, but ultimately released by the Israeli Supreme Court, who obviously did not believe what must have been the perjured or false testimony of Israeli eye-witnesses, Demjanjuk was saved from the noose because Jerry Brentar worked day and night to search and find exonerating documents, eye witnesses and handwriting experts to save Demjanjuk's life. America has returned his passport and must pay him his pension for all the years of his imprisonment. Hopefully, part of that money will go Jerry Brentar to recover his outlays.

Demjanjuk was later extradited to Germany and harassed for years there by the "German" authorities who tried to get him convicted but failed.

Germar Rudolf

Accused, tried and convicted in Germany. Career and doctorate dissertation ruined. Driven into exile.

Background and contribution:

This brilliant, German-trained chemist re-examined Auschwitz, Birkenau and other installations and buildings, testing rocks, soil and other physical samples for traces of Zyklon B. Following the pioneering work of Fred Leuchter, he put the final nail into the coffin of the Auschwitz story. Even though he did scientific work and was utterly apolitical, Rudolf's home and office were raided, computers seized etc. He was charged and tried in Germany for not believing in the standard Auschwitz story. As a scientist, he found the "gassing" claims to be scientifically untenable and, therefore, absurd. A modern day Galileo, Rudolf was found guilty and convicted because he refused to renounce scientific facts and his own scientific tests and findings. He was facing jail when he went into exile with his young wife and two babies. He now edits and publishes devastating refutations of the Allied Propaganda claims in a German-language journal. The Holocaust Enforcers are dogging his steps, and he faces endless hassles and trials, should the "German" vassal authorities ever get a hold of him. Zündel expert witness in chemistry in the Munich trial in 1991 - disallowed by the judge at the request of the prosecution.

Attorney Jürgen Rieger

Attacked and beaten. Car blown up. Professional reputation and career ruined.

Background and contribution:

Long-time Zündel attorney in Germany, Rieger has been a defender of German patriots since his law school days. He has drawn the ire of the Holocaust Enforcers by winning the 1981 Zündel case in Stuttgart against the false claim that Zündel had published "hate literature", and winning several cases against the German vassal regime who had confiscated Zündel's postal bank account, unfreezing DM 30,000 in the process. He also managed to regain for Zündel his confiscated German passport - after a six-year legal battle. Rieger was attacked and beaten unconscious in broad daylight after leaving a Hamburg courthouse and had to be airlifted, near death, by helicopter to the trauma unit of the hospital of Hamburg University, where he lay unconscious for days. The assailants escaped after their assassination attempt. German police later caught one Turkish "guest worker" who was tried - and let go! The other culprits were never found.

Attorney Doug Christie

Targeted professionally on numerous occasions with spurious charges of "unprofessional conduct" lodged with law societies in Canada.

Background and contribution:

Undoubtedly the finest constitutional and civil rights lawyer of his generation in Canada, Christie is known for his exceptional defenses of Ernst Zündel, Jim Keegstra, Malcolm Ross, Imre Finta and many other persecuted dissidents in Canada - and even the octogenarian, aristocratic Lady Birdwood in England. Under constant threat by busybodies in various law societies, usually the target of Jewish Holocaust Lobbyist complaints, Christie has frequently been intimidated during the Zündel trials by judges who threatened him with contempt of court when he called their arbitrary decisions into question. He is hated by all enemies of freedom, by many groveling politicians and the intellectual prostitutes in the Canadian media establishment. Christie has headed the Zündel legal defense team for over 15 years.


Emil Lachout

Mercilessly hounded by Austrian authorities and the Austrian lapdog media for over a decade. Forced to undergo a humiliating psychiatric assessment.

Background and contribution:

An Austrian school teacher, former military police man and Boy Scout leader, Lachout's name is associated with the famous Müller-Lachout document. He ultimately won his case in the European Court of Human Rights. Austria must pay him compensation but hasn't done yet - so far. Never a man to do things by halves, Lachout is demanding an apology from the Austrian State. Zündel witness in the 1988 Great Holocaust Trials.

Dr. Henri Roques

Had his doctorate revoked.

Background and contribution:

Henri Rocques is a French author and researcher who exposed the Myth of Pope Pius XII's complicity in the Holocaust. His doctoral thesis made world-wide headlines in 1986 when, for the first time in the nearly eight-century history of French universities, a duly awarded doctorate was quickly revoked on French government's orders, after an outcry by the Leftist-Jewish media in France. In a tightly argued dissertation, Rocques came to the stunning conclusion that the allegations of mass gassings of Jews made by SS officer Kurt Gerstein were groundless, and that the supposed Roman-Catholic coverup of this "slaughter" are false. He further concluded that postwar academics deliberately falsified key parts of the already tortured Gerstein testimony. His dissertation was eventually published by the Institute for Historical Review in book form under the title "The Confessions of Kurt Gerstein."

Tjiudar Rudolph

Imprisoned in Germany for lengthy stints for "doubting the Holocaust", even though he was in his mid-eighties at the time.

Background and contribution:

A former German Security Service member, fluent in five languages including Yiddish and Polish, Rudolph was involved with organizing Red Cross inspection tours of Auschwitz and other camps during the war. He wrote numerous Revisionist articles. He accompanied Fred Leuchter as translator to Auschwitz and Maidanek in 1988. He was charged and convicted for publishing a newsletter disputing the "Six Million" story. Zündel witness in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials.

Udo Walendy

Convicted and imprisoned in Germany for 15 months, even though already in his seventies and in poor health with a serious heart condition.

Background and contribution:

A prolific German researcher, writer and publisher of numerous books and a series of popular booklets called "Historische Tatsachen" - ("Historical Truths") including the German version of "Did Six Million Really Die?" and the German language version of the Leuchter Report #1 - Walendy was dragged before the courts numerous times. His home and offices were frequently raided by the police. Business files, books, printing plates and computers were confiscated. Zündel advisor and witness in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials.

Fred Leuchter

Arrested and jailed in Germany. Financially ruined.

Background and contribution:

An American execution expert, Leuchter designed and maintained gas chambers for several US penal institutions. He was sent by Ernst Zündel to investigate Auschwitz, Majdanek, Dachau, Hartheim and other alleged "Nazi Death Camps" and "gassing facilities." Author of the devastating series of Leuchter Reports. (I, II, III, IV) and many articles and videotaped presentations that resulted from these investigations, Leuchter was blacklisted in the US and hounded by the Holocaust Promotion Lobby and the world's lapdog media. He was arrested and jailed in Germany for giving an anti-Holocaust lecture for Günther Deckert, a well-known political party leader. Allowed out on bail, Leuchter returned to the US. and chose not to go back to Germany to stand trial. Nonetheless, he lost his livelihood as a result. Sensational Zündel witness in the 1988 Great Holocaust Trials. Leuchter, although present in the courtroom in Munich, was not allowed to testify about his research findings in Auschwitz for Ernst Zündel in the German (Munich) Trial in 1991.

David Irving

Convicted, jailed, fined, deported and barred from numerous countries - and hounded world-wide by Holocaust Enforcers.

Background and contribution:

A prolific British author of approximately 36 books and recognized authority on Hitler and World War II, Irving pretty much believed and accepted the standard Holocaust version - until he read the Leuchter Report. He agreed to testify as the last witness for the defense in the 1988 Great Holocaust Trials. His appearance was a sensation! In the following years, he went on widely publicized and acclaimed Canada- and America-wide lecture tours. He traveled as a speaker through several European countries, with headlines and controversy dogging his every step. He drew packed houses and infuriated the Holocaust Lobby, which reacted with vicious smear campaigns and managed to have Irving arrested and convicted in Munich, Germany, for "defaming the dead." This conviction caused Irving to be ultimately banned from Canada, Australia, Italy, New Zealand and South Africa. He was deported in handcuffs from Niagara Falls, Ontario, after a farcical Immigration hearing, during which he was held and treated in jail like some common criminal - for weeks! Irving was arrested in Austria in 2005 and jailed for 400 days (solitary confinement) because of somthing he allegedly had said in a lecture on history to a group of students in Vienna 16 years before.

Ivan Lagace

Became the target of several Royal Canadian Mounted Police raids. Resigned from his job as crematory director after receiving endless threats by anonymous callers and from thugs claiming to be the Jewish Defense League.

Background and contribution:

A crematory expert from Calgary, Alberta, who had been responsible for the disposing of 10,000 bodies in his career, Lagace finally sorted out - publicly and in open court - all the fanciful lies about the Germans supposedly "cremating multiple corpses in single corpse retorts" in Auschwitz, Birkenau and elsewhere. Lagace's testimony put an end to the wild claims by so-called "death camp survivors" about ". . . cremating bodies in five minutes" etc. His testimony - together with Fred Leuchter's findings as well as the lab results presented by Dr. James Roth of Alpha Laboratories from the soil and rock samples Leuchter had brought from Auschwitz to the USA - spelled the death knell of fanciful "survivor" claims. Lagace was raided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in his crematory office. Zündel witness in the 1988 Great Holocaust Trials.

Gerd Honsik

Convicted, fined and driven into exile.

Background and contribution:

Honsik, an Austrian writer and poet, wrote several devastating books - one exposing Simon Wiesenthal, one titled "Freispruch für Hitler" and a third "33 Witnesses against the Gas Chamber Lie." He was convicted in Austria and Germany to fines in excess of DM 50,000 and forced to go into exile in Spain where he now lives, Gerd Honsik writes a monthly Revisionist newsletter in tabloid format titled "Halt!" ("Stop!") - meaning "Stop the hatred and lies!"


Joseph Burg (Ginzburg)

Persecuted and beaten by Holocaust Enforcers of Jewish Defense League type thugs. Denied burial in the Munich Jewish cemetery. (Ernst Zündel and Otto Ernst Remer gave the eulogies.)

Background and contribution:

Author of many books ("Schuld und Schicksal", "Zionazi", "Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank", "Auschwitz in alle Ewigkeit" etc.) as well as many pamphlets and two documentary interviews with Ernst Zündel. Chief Jewish advisor, mentor and Zündel witness in the 1988 Great Holocaust Trials.

Professor Arthur Butz

Vilified and persecuted for almost three decades.

Background and contribution:

An American electrical engineer and university professor, Butz wrote the "Bible" of modern Revisionism titled "The Hoax of the 20th Century". This book, which deals with most details of Holocaust lore from "shrunken heads" to "Jewish soap" and "gassing" claims, more than any other influenced Ernst Zundel in his Revisionist research.

Haviv Schieber

Driven to attempted suicide

Background and contribution:

A Polish Jew and former mayor of Ber Sheeba in Israel, Schieber taught Ernst Zündel much about Israeli reality. He was an Israeli Revisionist, wanting to revise Israel's attitudes, institutions and borders. He fled Israel to find safety in the USA, was denied political asylum at first, and tried to take his life by slashing his wrists at Washington, D.C. airport on the day of his deportation. He was finally allowed refuge from Israeli persecution in the US in the early 1970s.

Francois Duprat

Killed for distributing the French language version of "Did Six Million Really Die?" Background and contribution:

A French writer, historian and educator, Duprat had introduced the booklet "Did Six Million Really Die?" in France by publishing the first French translation. He also published "The Mystery of the Gas Chamber." He was only 38 years old when his car was blown up by a bomb and he was assassinated on March 18, 1978. His wife, who was with him in the car, lost the use of her legs in this terrorist act. Two Jewish groups took credit for the assassination - the "Jewish Remembrance Commando" and another group who identified itself as ". . . Jewish Revolutionary Group." The assassins were never found.

Ditlieb Felderer

Charged, tried, convicted and jailed in Sweden. Vilified in the press. Forced to live in exile.

Background and contribution:

Felderer, at one time a prominent Jehovah's Witness, is known as an early researcher into the physical evidence in every major concentration camp in then Communist Eastern Europe. Felderer took over 30,000 photographs of every conceivable detail in the camps. He discovered that there was a swimming pool for the inmates in Auschwitz, modern hospital facilities, including a gynecological section, as well as an orchestra, live theatre, well-stocked library, and sculpting classes. He discovered the musical score of the "Auschwitz Waltz" in the secret archives accessible only with special permission. He found that an intimate role was played by Jehovah Witnesses in the camps, who cooperated with the SS-Administration, and he exposed the lie of the 60,000 Jehovah's Witnesses killed. (On his initiative and insistence, the inflated number was reduced to 203) [Trial Transcript Vol. 18, 4226 to 4229; 4645]. For his Revisionist work, Felderer was excommunicated - that is, drummed out of the Jehovah Witnesses' sect. He has been persecuted by the Holocaust Enforcers ever since. Felderer is known for his weird sense of humor and outlandish, offensive cartoons. He believes that deliberate Holocaust liars and history falsifiers should not have their sensibilities spared. This idiosyncrasy of Felderers is being exploited by Holocaust propagandists in counter-attacks against him. Zündel advisor and witness in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials.

Professor Austin App

Persecuted for his courageous and tireless truth campaign for two generations on behalf of German-Americans.

Background and contribution:

A German-American community leader and author of many booklets and tracts - among them "The Six Million Swindle," "Action on a War Crime," "The Bombing Atrocity of Dresden," "Ravaging the women of Conquered Europe," and many others - Professor App was an early guide of Ernst Zündel.

Ernst Zündel

Three documented assassination attempts by fire and pipe bombs. Endless legal harassment leading to repeated jailings and bankrupting of his graphic arts business. Jailed for more than 7 years in Canada, in the USA, in Canada again and finally in Germany, just for speaking the truth. To this day, he is efficiently gagged by the German authorities who monitor his every word.

Background and contribution:

Nicknamed the "Revisionist Dynamo" or the "Revisionist Renaissance Man" for his untiring Revisionist Truth Campaign and his comprehensive grasp of complex political issues, Zündel - more than any other Revisionist on earth - caused the Holocaust Hoax to become a mainstream topic of discussion.

Jim Keegstra

Lost his job and his reputation was destroyed. Prevented an arson attempt against him. Was convicted to a $3,000 fine after 10 years of costly litigation. Was financially ruined by his ordeal.

Background and contribution:

A Canadian school teacher of Dutch background, Keegstra taught both sides of the Holocaust and other questions of history. He was charged under Canada's infamous "Hate Laws", and was tried and convicted. He appealed - and was re-tried and re-convicted. Three times, his case went to the Supreme Court. He ultimately lost. Zündel witness in the 1985 Great Holocaust Trial.

Frank Walus

Attacked seven times by Jewish assailants; nearly killed in an acid attack. Lost his US citizenship and his home to pay for his defense.

Background and contribution:

A Polish German-American auto worker, Walus was targeted and accused falsely by Simon Wiesenthal to be a "Nazi War Criminal." Vilified by the US media in a vicious campaign as the "Butcher of Kielce", Walus fought bravely against his tormentors of the Office of Special Investigations, also known as the US "Nazi Hunters". He ultimately won his case against them in a costly appeals process but died after several massive heart attacks - a bitter, financially ruined man. He refused to be buried on US soil because he felt the country had betrayed and failed him. Zündel witness in the 1985 Great Holocaust Trial.

Victims of the corrupt legal system in Europe. You'll get free speech back when you use it properly. (web.archive.org)

Attorney Sylvia Stolz

Attorney Sylvia Stolz made it her mission to show up the Government of Germany, called the Bundesrepublik (BRD in short) as a vassal state of Israel.

Background and contribution

Ms. Stolz used the courtroom and the trial of Ernst Z?ndel as a platform to get media attention for her charge that the judicial system in Germany is a tool of foreign domination and does not serve the interests of the German people. She was forcibly removed from the courtroom. Shortly thereafter, German prosecutors charged her with abuse of court proceedings, accusing her of denying the Holocaust herself and intentionally prolonging the trial by submitting evidentiary documents on behalf of her client, even though the "Holocaust" is offenkundig, meaning "obvious" or "self-evident". The trial collapsed after Ms. Stolz was banned from the proceedings on the grounds that she was trying to sabotage the trial. Proceedings later resumed without her, and she knew she would be victimized for her courageous stand. Shortly thereafter, Mannheim prosecutors charged Ms. Stolz with what is known as the "Holocaust Protection Paragraph", (Paragraph 130) and after a separate trial, she was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison. Her licence to practice law was revoked for 5 years.

Attorney Horst Mahler

Often described as a "notorious far-right attorney" who called the Holocaust a lie and accused the German legal system as politically corrupt is again before the court on charges of incitement under Paragraph 130.

Background and contribution:

Mahler was not originally part of the Revisionist scene. He became interested in the Holocaust controversy from a Revisionist point of view after he took on the defense of ethnic singer Frank Rennike. In recent years he has frequently appeared in court for his beliefs and doubts, including events surrounding 9/11. He is currently serving a 12 (!) year sentence for denying "the Holocaust".

Dr. Fredrick Toben

Though German in origin, Dr. Fredrick Toben was raised in Australia as an Australian citizen, and speaks both English and German. Becoming interested in exonerating the German people from the anti-German racism of the Holocaust legend, he at first edited a revisionist journal called Truth Missions, which was later renamed Adelaide Institute Newsletter. He then broadened out to establish Australia's revisionist website, Adelaide Institute. He has personally visited the site of Auschwitz and burrowed under the ruins of the alleged gas chamber, being unable to find the four holes in the roof which were supposedly used to throw in gas pellets. He conducted regular dialogue with Exterminationists, and did not expect to be arrested when he visited Prosecutor Klein in Mannheim, Germany, for a private discussion on the Holocaust laws in Germany, which make it mandatory to accept the entire Holocaust story.

Nevertheless, he was arrested by Klein and police chief Mohr in Mannheim, Germany, in April, 1999, and was awaiting trial for being a "holocaust denier" for seven months. He then was tried and sentenced to ten months imprisonment, but released from prison while awaiting his appeal. He left Germany and did not return for his appeal trial. Recently prosecuted and jailed in Australia for publicly denying "the Holocaust".

Paul Rassinier

Barred from entering Germany for trying to give testimony for the defense in political trials.

Background and contribution:

Born in 1906, Rassinier, a school teacher, is seen as the Father of modern European Revisionism. A French resistance fighter and friend of the Jews, he was imprisoned by the Germans for his illegal activities in Buchenwald and Camp Dora where he worked in the underground rocket factories. He was elected after the war as a member of the French National Assembly for the Socialist Party. Rassinier nonetheless wrote groundbreaking Revisionist books.

Dr. Robert Faurisson

At least 10 times physically assaulted by Holocaust Enforcers; on several occasions nearly killed. Jaws broken. Teeth knocked out. Hospitalized for weeks. Persecuted mercilessly in endless legal battles.

Background and contribution:

Known as the "Dean of the world-wide Revisionist movement" and principal teacher of Ernst Zündel, Dr. Faurisson first discovered the technical and architectural drawings of the Auschwitz morgues, the crematories and other installations. He was also the first to insist that only a U.S. gas chamber expert could unravel the technical impossibility of the Auschwitz homicidal gassing story - as falsely told to the public for over half a century. Zündel mentor, advisor and trial witness in the 1984 preliminary hearings and in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials. Slated as expert witness for the 1991 Munich trial of Ernst Zündel. (The prosecution dropped the Anne Frank Diary part of the charge in mid-trial after they learned that Dr. Faurisson was going to testify to that point.)

Thies Christophersen

Forced to flee from country to country. Hounded to death after numerous acid attacks, arson, and attempts on his life and property.

Background and contribution:

As a German agrarian expert, Christophersen was stationed at Auschwitz in the critical period 1943-44. As a German expert, he had access to the entire camp. He took valuable photographs at the time. He was the first Revisionist eyewitness to come forward stating categorically that there were no gas chambers for killing humans in Auschwitz. He wrote the famous booklet, "Die Auschwitz-Lüge", (The Auschwitz Lie) translated into many languages. Zündel witness in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials.

Judge Wilhelm Stäglich

Was tried and convicted in post-war German courts. Had his doctorate stripped from him and his pension cut for speaking out.

Background and contribution:

Judge Stäglich, stationed during WWII in the Auschwitz area with an anti-aircraft unit, published a groundbreaking book "Der Auschwitz Mythos" (The Auschwitz Myth) - seized, forbidden and destroyed by West German court order.