Exactly what I would hope didn’t happen, but then again I’m not exactly surprised by your bullshit response full of insults instead of simply answering the question.
To that point, you did answer the question to a decent degree, but of course because it’s you, you couldn’t bring yourself to finish your comment without a string of insults.
And that right there is why you have such a difficult time waking people who have literally been brainwashed their entire lives, as 98% of us have been. You aren’t actually interested in providing information or winning anyone over, are you? You’re EXACTLY LIKE THE OTHER SIDE WHO YOU CLAIM TO DESPISE in that all you really want is to punish anyone who questions your narrative..instead of you know, simply explaining why you believe what you believe.
The fact of the matter is that if I am going to bring an argument for something to someone who has either A) never heard it or B) has been firmly inoculated against it via brainwashing, then it stands to reason that I need to have my facts straight before that conversation is to take place.
Because unlike you, I’m actually interested in winning hearts and minds for the cause of American freedom, not sitting in my basement bitching and crying non stop about how much I hate the world, and then taking out my frustrations on people who actually want to contribute more than I am willing to.
Which, by the way, makes me 1000x more valuable to a freedom movement than some crotchety basement dwelling fuck like you because you’d rather stroke your own pathetic ego than actually do anything to actually win.
My question is simply a fact finding mission for both my own edification and so that if/when I have such a discussion with someone, it is actually fruitful.
Now, regarding your completely retarded AF conjecture about “questioning military superiors”… read my original post again, you illiterate fucktard. If a soldier came home after the war and gets out of the military as many did, then HE WOULD BE FREE TO TELL THE TRUTH OF HIS EXPERIENCE to people, especially his own progeny. No one, certainly not I, said a fucking thing about “questioning military superiors” except for YOUR DUMB ASS. Don’t put words in my mouth, ever, you fucking troglodyte.
(post is archived)