"Neo paganism" is to a "return to our true culture" what pornography is to love...
"Neo paganism" is just degenerate newage crap, you stupid kike...
To be honest, there are a lot of degenerate traps that some people fall into. But obviously not yourself since you are so christian and sinless and pure.
keep calling me degenerate lol. Keep minimizing the organic movement away from an abusive stone-age Jewish mind-control religion. Christianity never helped anyone get off their knees.
https://pic8.co/sh/5y6KlB.png <- hitler wouldn't have appreciated to be depicted in such a grotesque way... You fucking kike...
And again, your ignorance is showing...
You have a very dumb understanding of christianity, because you want christianity to be dumb, because you are dumb...
>The Inquisition was originally intended primarily to identify heretics among those who converted from Judaism and Islam to Catholicism. The regulation of the faith of newly converted Catholics was intensified after the royal decrees issued in 1492 and 1502 ordering Jews and Muslims to convert to Catholicism or leave Castile, resulting in hundreds of thousands of forced conversions, the persecution of conversos and moriscos, and the mass expulsions of Jews and of Muslims from Spain.[2] The Inquisition was abolished in 1834, during the reign of Isabella II, after a period of declining influence in the preceding century.
>Both Hallam and Watson[31] argue that had Charles failed, there was no remaining force to protect Western Europe. Hallam perhaps said it best: "It may justly be reckoned among those few battles of which a contrary event would have essentially varied the drama of the world in all its subsequent scenes: with Marathon, Arbela, the Metaurus, Châlons and Leipzig."[36]
It's cry baby christians like yourself that express no kindness or compassion and bitch about facts that turn me away from your blood ritual cult. Because you're in the "Heaven club" you get to spit on everyone else? You're obviously purity obsessive and tribal, all traits of judeo mind virus.
"/In his 20’s, Hitler studied Buddhism and other spiritual arts in a more focused way than people realize. Hitler studied the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita, yoga, occultism, astrology, and Hitler also studied under the guidance of his German mentors Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. Like Hitler, Schopenhauer was also strongly guided by eastern philosophy. Any real study of Hitler’s spiritual quest indicates that he was searching for big answers to big questions.”
Ever heard of Thule Society? Also influential during the Nazi neo-pagan era. It's well-known the Nazis were exploring the "Occult" (which is really anything outside Judeo-Abrahamic religions). Don't act like this hasn't happened before, people have awakened outside of the Judeo-Christian mind-control and will continue to do so, because blood ritual religions are idiotic.
What's the KKK pic for?
Are you really going to make the argument defending the Catholic Church? next Im going to be hearing why the Pope isn't a pedophile...
(post is archived)