"bolshevism = Christianity" - the Chancellor.
Is that clear? At least now you can't play dumb. You know which side you're on slave. .
Pfff whatever
Christianity predates bolshevism by a thousand of years, and the main opponents to communism and bolshevism were christian, starting with nicholas II of russia, so stop regurgitating the every random shit you find on intarwebs
Bolshevism was jewish, and christianity is the arch enemy of judaism since day1, that's why jesus got crucified btw, get your shit straight
The chancellor said that not me. And you just threatened to burn me because your a little jew slave and you can't even see it. It's embarrassing they have twisted aryans like this. You're an embarrassment
Of course "the chancellor said that", according to "secret records" he never wrote himself, fuck off and burn in hell heretic, you aren't even aryan you're a potatomutt
(post is archived)