And no, according to jewish historians jews have a monopoly on suffering, let's be serious here, everybody knows this
lol. As I showed you with the current communist state of russia, jewish control enjoys a preferred role in the clergy. How else do you think they will conduct their sick practices without a "flock" ? this isn't easy to talk about. But they mock gentile families and their children within all the church language. Calling you a "flock" and the "good shepherd" and a "Pastor." Not easy to look at.
Russia isn't communist, even putin doesn't want to bring back communism
“Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart, whoever wants it back has no brain” - Putin
If anything he's tsarist, that yes, you can draw a parallel to some extent
This is why putin supports the orthodox church -> listen carefully to that exchange
"Christian" family values are much closer to how our natural state should be. I would make the argument that many viking or tribal societies have similar family values.
Putin = KGB, KGB = Jewish. Open your eyes. Believing that Putin has control over Russia, is like believing American elections are not rigged and Biden is in control not his cult Handlers.
..."What may shock many Westerners is the fact that the men who occupy high positions within these Orthodox church estaglishments typically live in mansions and ride around in cheuffered limosines with cadres of bodygaurds in tow. These same priests also typically have lavish summer homes, and of course, they are known to have collecions of mistresses and broods of unofficial children. This may seem a bit odd to people living in the West, given the fact that these priests are supposedly “men of God” and given that these men are supposed to be devout Christians who lead by moral example; yet the populations of these Orthodox countries quietly accept such things as they are.
The people living in Orthodox countries accept the hypocracty of Orthodox priets because they quietly expect men of high status to have wifes and many children from their wives; however, there is also an unspoken understanding that “big boss” types of men will also have collections of unofficial mistresses, and within Orthodox society high-ranking Orthodox clergymen fit into the slot of “Big Boss Men” in the same manner as gangsters, oligarchs, and military brass. It is also worth noting that in Orthodox societies there is a concept that the woman who a man is married to is not necessarily the woman who he is having sex with regularly, so in these societies men of power are expected to have mistresses."
It's the same playbook in the US. Christianity is controlled opposition to farm gentile children and it's sickening.
(post is archived)