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[–] 1 pt 5y (edited 5y)

His final thought:

Using these methods you can create your own personal religion, of course. But heathendom is in essence a folk religion, it involves a community of people. Individual development is important and essential, but if it is isolated and detached from others, it will not have permanence, and hence will not be as holy as it might have been. Therefore, the next arena of enactment is on the group level. Unless you can make what you arrived at up until now valid for a group of people, all you have done is create a highly personalized system. It is for this reason that organizations are necessary in the applications of these methods. Once the system becomes successful for a whole group of people it can be said to have gained, or regained, a transpersonal validity. This is the end-goal of all reawakened heathen systems. When group-level validity is achieved and maintained it becomes clear that the system is not the clever invention of a single individual, but rather the resonant and true reawakening of something that had been slumbering in the souls of all it touches. It can be said to ring true.

I'm not sure if this is the end goal for me. Part of the appeal to the heathen awareness is the lack of structure and dogma commingled with it and the freedom that affords. When people do try to organize into groups along these lines, I think that this lack of dogma attracts the certain kind of people who would like to make some dogma up in order to tell you how to think and behave.

Rather than try to seek out people interested in being heathens to form a heathen worship community with, I would rather seek out normal people * who I like* to create my community. Our society is pagan enough (without knowing it), that we can have a connection to our ancient heritage without rejecting the connection to the more recent heritage. So it's fairly easy to get along in modern society without a need to convert others -- all it takes to remain heathen in spite of this getting along is to reject the modern dogmas and modern authorities that preach them. The defining moral can be caring about our people. If it is, then even a pious Christian is going to ignore a Pope telling them to always take in more refugees no matter what, or supposed Christian doctrine that states we have to return the (non-Isrealite, modern day) Jews to Israel in order to bring about the rapture.

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[–] 0 pt 5y (edited 5y)

One problem with reawakening this system, is that despite the stories, there's really NO centralized belief system. Every family had their own set of beliefs and systems. Your homestead could be doing one thing, and the next homestead 20 miles away could be doing something completely different. It all really comes down to what works for the individual family. How do you explain, and pass on your way of life? Much of these things were never recorded.

Another thing that makes it difficult, is just the way that the source material is set up. Between all of the kennings, and multiple names needed for the purposes of alliterative poetry, one person could have hundreds of gods in their pantheon, and another could have maybe 30. Like the poem that people generally understand to be Odin talking about his wife's handmaidens, which is our only source on them. Personally, when I read that poem, I read it as Odin waxing poetic about how much he loves his wife, with each aspect he's talking about at the time having it's own name. When I sat down, and compared the descriptions of the various handmaidens, as well as Frigg, I only managed to get a couple distinct beings.

So, when it comes down to it, you really have to do your own thing, but then you end up with the problem of people projecting their own beliefs into the system, and using it to justify stuff that the material was never intended to justify, such as trans- and homosexuals using Loki to justify their lifestyles, when the material was never meant for such a thing. You read the material, and it was clearly meant to be pure comedy, "Look at this stupid shit Loki is getting himself into now! LOL!" and not meant to justify or condone anything. Such things just weren't a part of their life, and wasn't something they thought about one bit, and if they DID think about it, it generally wasn't in a positive light.

[–] 1 pt 5y (edited 5y)

Right. For what it's worth I think the fracturedness of it is a benefit because it gives you total freedom to interpret as best you see fit.

It also makes up for the scant written record in any given tradition, because you can broaden the scope to neighboring traditions and they fill in our understanding. Thinking of the Norse and Danish versions of the tale of Baldr and Hodr for example. Or looking at the Vedic to understand the Germanic -- both having indo-European origins.

And unfortunately, trans people misguidedly viewing Loki as their hero god is the least of the faggotry that gets tossed around in the name of these faiths. One of the reasons I tend to sparingly use the word "pagan" to describe this topic. I see this generally as a symptom of our society's psychological sickness -- and unfortunately it's kind of inevitable that would invade the spiritual realm. Christianity is similarly plagued.

But I don't concern myself too much with what other choose to believe -- or I'd lose my fucking mind.

[–] 0 pt 5y

But I don't concern myself too much with what other choose to believe -- or I'd lose my fucking mind.

Yeah, this is why I've had to definitely slow down on watching Arith Hargr's newer videos. He's projecting his own politics into it too much, now, while screaming "This is the truth, whether you like it or not. I'm just here to spread the truth, and you stupid racist bigots need to just accept it!" He's not an educator anymore, he's a proselytizer at this point, to me.

[–] 1 pt 5y

Yeah, I noticed that too. It's a shame his stuff used to be pretty good quality.