Looked for one of these, it's a mule stock (muletac.com) it seams it is an abandoned website and concept. 2015 was the last photos.I wanted to add it to my 9mm AR build which already had the spare glock mag holder grip (tritechtactical.com) and fore grip holder (hical.ca) I figured a spare pistol would also be nice. Alas it too was lost in a boating accident.
Looked for one of these, it's a [mule stock](http://www.muletac.com) it seams it is an abandoned website and concept. 2015 was the last photos.I wanted to add it to my 9mm AR build which already had the spare [glock mag holder grip](https://www.tritechtactical.com) and [fore grip holder](https://hical.ca/product/recover-tactical-mg9-angled-glock-mag-pouch/) I figured a spare pistol would also be nice. Alas it too was lost in a boating accident.
(post is archived)