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Any semi auto rifle, larger than 22 caliber, including .223. With a detachable mag....

I look up 22lr on wiki.

Bullet diameter 0.223 in

Look up .223 wiki

Bullet diameter 0.224 in (5.7 mm)

So 0.001 is the difference between ASSUALT RIFLE and Rifle?


>Any semi auto rifle, larger than 22 caliber, including .223. With a detachable mag.... I look up 22lr on wiki. >Bullet diameter **0.223 in** Look up .223 wiki >Bullet diameter **0.224 in** (5.7 mm) So 0.001 is the difference between ASSUALT RIFLE and Rifle? CLOWN WORLD.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 12 pts

Any weapon held by any government agent?

[–] 8 pts

.223/5.56 is the same diameter as .22lr, yes. But the bullets themselves are different dimensions other than the diameter.


It's not the .001 diameter that makes the difference here. Really, the ruling is capricious and arbitrary.

[–] 1 pt

It's the massive difference in the amount of powder.

[–] 4 pts

No, it's important to recognize that the technical differences between .22LR and .223 are meaningless when it comes to the ATF and their ridiculous categorizations have nothing to do with technological facts or effectiveness, and everything to do with feels and optics

[–] 1 pt

Agreed, I was saying the difference in performance s the amount powder. That is the difference in ability. More powder = more speed for a heavier bullet = Higher number on the 'relative index of stopping power'. I forget the exact formula but it's velocity, weight and diameter and it puts it on a scale of 0-as big as you can go. Like a 9mm with typical weight lands around a 48. A .45 with a 230 grain is like a 98, so big difference. A Desert Eagle .50AE with a 300 grain is 600+ so it goes up fast. I know there are a few, just can't remember which exact one.

[+] [deleted] 5 pts
[–] 5 pts

"When tyranny becomes law

rebellion becomes duty"

[–] 3 pts

Tranny too

[–] 0 pt

Damn transformers, ruining everything.

[–] 2 pts

Transformers, "women" in disguise (but not really).

[–] 1 pt

They can all get supremely assaulted with my .308.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 5 pts

Ruh, roh. Doesn't he know the Department of Homeland Security calls AR-15 and the .223 round a "personal defense weapon'?


[–] 6 pts

Nobody in the government knows what the rest of the government is doing. Shows how out of control large it has become. We don't even need the vast majority of these agencies at all anyway.

[–] 2 pts

Most federal agencies simply create rules to give themskeves jobs.

The FAA and the new drone rules are a perfect example. They now have created a whole new pilot licensing scheme they must oversee to regulate something that never had any serious incidents or deaths.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

They can pass whatever laws they want. Does anyone even see the government as legitimate anymore. The moment one rogue citizen launches and documents a successful attack on ZOG is the moment numerous other groups of citizens follow suit.

[–] 1 pt

I say this all the time. That illegal laws do not apply to me, nor does tyrannical government. They raised the stakes to this level, and I am perfectly willing and fully capable of beating them at their own game should they come enforce their illegal laws on me.

[–] 3 pts

Come take it, faggots.

[–] 3 pts


[–] [deleted] 3 pts

So 0.001 is the difference between ASSUALT RIFLE and Rifle?

When (((they))) want to build a case for disarming the most armed populous in the world. Words matter. Unquestioning normies will enforce it.

[–] 2 pts

I’m no expert, but the velocity is as important as the diameter. Short barrels stay NFA, whatever. But 5.56 nato is apples to a 22lr apricot

[–] 3 pts

Does the same job when introduced to a head.

[–] 2 pts

Big time, just need close range.

[–] 2 pts

Yep. These people that train to hit targets a 500 yards are cool and all but that probably won't be the engagement range of the up coming war. And unless they are training to hit moving targets all those hours and money will not be very useful

[–] 2 pts (edited )

I’m no expert, but the velocity is as important as the diameter.


The .22-250 Remington is a very high-velocity (capable of reaching over 4000 feet per second), short action, .22 caliber rifle cartridge primarily used for varmint hunting and small game hunting. Though it finds occasional use on deer, this is not recommended.[2] Some jurisdictions prohibit the use of cartridges smaller than 6mm (e.g., .243 Winchester) for deer hunting. This cartridge is also sometimes known as the .22 Varminter or the .22 Wotkyns Original Swift.[3] Along with the .220 Swift, the .22-250 was one of the high-velocity .22 caliber cartridges that developed a reputation for remote wounding effects known as hydrostatic shock in the late 1930s and early 1940s.[4][5]


Hydrostatic shock is the controversial concept that a penetrating projectile (such as a bullet) can produce a pressure wave that causes "remote neural damage", "subtle damage in neural tissues" and/or "rapid incapacitating effects" in living targets.


[–] 2 pts

Are short rifles that are categorized as pistols about to become "the rage"?

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