Bread makes you fat, weak, and apathetic. It is nothing but connected sugar molecules. It is the food of fat ass peasants.
Looks like a typical plate at my house. I haven't eaten bread in a long time.
I stopped eating bacon in favor of pork belly.
I will never stop eating bacon.
Bacon comes from pork belly, doesn't have preservatives, can be cut to thickness, and gives you life giving lard to use for cooking.
Good shit
I'd call that perfect anytime.
Bread is great. I bake my own. Tastes amazing with good quality real butter.
looks nutritious
That looks so freaking good. I just have to keep telling myself that it's almost Pascha.
Did you reheat this in the microwave?
That looks tasty, but bread is the staff of life for a reason. Cheap calories that keep you from starvation. It's unfortunate that people today don't expend those carbs in physical activity, and that modern flour is a Frankenstein's monster run amok and put into absolutely everything so we become overexposed. I know low-carb does a lot of people right, but, by god, I love a hunk of bread and butter. It's tough. I'm not just loading up on bread and pasta, but it's awfully delicious with minimal other ingredients because, hey, look, I can eat a sandwich or a basic buttered pasta with cracked pepper and not eat anything else all day. If I eat a hamburger patty, bacon, etc., I just want more of it. Besides, my extra pounds are from drinking beer--which is like a liquid bread higher in sugar--and that has nothing to do with diet, right?
you fuck bread?
(post is archived)